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It was cold. Like the look in Hermione's eyes as she convinced Harry not to hear him out. The back of the building faced an onyx alleyway, sheltered from the biting wind, the cold still tore through his black, knitted jumper. He shoved his hands in his pockets, releasing a trail of steam from a long and forced exhale. Draco was joined by another man who stood beside him, looking each way down the alleyway until finally speaking, his voice rough from the cold.

"Go on then, mate, out with it," Harry patted Draco's shoulder causing him to stumble over his words. Over and over, Draco had parted his lips to say something, but the words never made it past his diaphragm. Finally, Draco hung his head, defeated and unsure. "You love her."

"Weasley's been hitting her, Harry."

Harry only nodded, knowing if he allowed himself to speak, he would say something he could never out live or take back. He always knew one day Ron's anger would get the better of him. The signs were obvious, but for some reason, he ignored them; call it self-preservation. He wished it couldn't be.

"You love her? Still?"

"We're not kids anymore, Harry..." Harry said nothing in response, waiting for Draco to continue. "...yeah."


"I'm gonna go find that girl again," Harry smiled and laughed with his new friend, holding his newly broken glasses in hand and off to see that strange girl who knew how to fix them.

"I'm terribly sorry to bother..." he heard Hermione start in the next compartment down, "But have any of you seen a toad?"

The compartment was filled with short, lanky boys, one with strikingly white hair and misty silver eyes.

"I haven't," he explained, holding his hand out to the girl with incredibly bushy hair, something in his eyes sparkling. "Draco Malfoy."

She eyed his hand carefully before cocking her head to the side, paying the gesture no mind.

"You've got splinters in your fingers."

"My wand's raw at the bottom edge, I've been fidgeting with it."

"You should be more careful," she played confidently.

He smiled at her bashfully.

"Hermione Granger," she said, grabbing his hand and giving it a small but firm shake.


"Why'd you say that to her, Malfoy?" Harry challenged, facing him on a broom, a legendary quidditch match with the already infamous Potter from Gryffindor and the newcomer Malfoy from Sytherin in the midst.

"What? 'Mudblood?' Just the truth, Potter," Draco sneered, waiting for the snitch to appear.

It flew across his face, his vision blurring and focusing simultaneously as he whipped out his hands to grab the damn thing. He felt a rush of air pass by him and realized Harry had darted past him to grab it. He turned on his back and rolled behind him, speeding up to Harry.

"You know, Daddy can't hear you out here," Harry shouted over the wind created by their speed. "You don't have to make her cry when no one sees."

Draco faltered, his broom giving way, allowing Harry to pull through and catch the snitch, earning him deafening cheers from all houses but those clad in green and silver sports gear.


"Draco gave it to me," Hermione stated, knowing the boys would bombard her with questions.

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