Sports Festival: Part 1

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I'm going to be switching over to 3rd person view for the rest of the story. As of recently, I've been more comfortable with writing in that style so I'm going to be sticking with it. Let me know if you prefer this way or if you would want me to switch back to the original writing format.

P.s- Enjoy the drawing!

It's been a few days since the USJ accident. And since then, all the students were given time off school to relax and take a break from the recent events. But today was the they would be coming back for the first time since the accident.

Both Izuku and Kyoka we're walking to UA together like they always would.

"Feels weird coming back after a little break. I wonder if everyone else were able to relax since then?" Izuku said as they reached the entrance of UA.

"Probably. Would've doubt it thought. There was a lot of things going on at the moment. We'll, I think so." Kyoka said as she remembered that she had been knocked out in the middle of all the action.

Which is what her next question was.

"Hey Izuku," She said getting his attention.

"When I was knocked out during the USJ, what had happened? I know you said you were more worried about me, but you never said what exactly happened. If you don't really feel like talking about it that's fine, but I kinda feel like I'm being kept in the dark about it." Kyoka explained as she stopped at the front entrance of the school building.

Izuku looked down at Kyoka in a bit of concern. It's as she said, he hasn't explained anything about what happened after she was knocked out. He knows that she was curious, but he was never sure if she really wanted to talk about it.

Izuku took a deep sigh as he opened the door to UA.

"S-sorry, but I can't tell you just yet." Izuku said as he waited for Kyoka to walk in first.

Kyoka took a worried glance at Izuku as she just nodded.

"It's alright. Like I said, it's probably hard to talk about something that happened so recent. I'm willing to wait til then." She said with a smile as she walked in.

'I still have something to talk to you about too..." Kyoka said thinking back to the voice in her head.

She hasn't had any dreams similar to that once since the USJ. And she began to worry each time she never got any answers to what it was.

Walking through the hallways and the multiple amount of steps, they had finally reached their class. Izuku was the one who opened the door first yet again as Kyoka walked in next. Not a moment was spared before the Sonic of the class approached them.

"Good morning Midoriya. And too you as well Jirou." He said as he took a bow.

"Morning Iida. Anyways," Izuku said as he looked over the class. As class president, it was his job to get everyone ready.

"Alright everyone, I hope that you all had a good break from the obvious events. Class is about to start, so let's all get in our seats and get ready before-" Izuku was speaking as he was cut off from the sound of the door opening.

"Too late, already her-" Aizawa cut in but, stopped as he seen everyone had magically spawned in their seats.

Sighing, he walked into the class as he walked in front of the class. But it wasn't in his normal look. Sure he had his hero costume on, but along side with multiple bandages on him making him look like a mummy.

"Mr.Aizawa, are you sure you're alright being here? *Kero*" Asui asked as he walked to the front.

"My condition shouldn't be of any concern to you. The old woman's approach in her surgery was more then enough to make me still able to teach. But as of right now, you guy's aren't out of the clear yet. There's another battle ahead." He said as each of the students began to tense up.

Another battle? Like the one they just had wasn't rough enough. Aizawa looked over his students as he noticed the tense arua in the room.

"The sports festival is under way." He said as the mood in the room changed immediately.

"Hell yeah! A festival!" Kamanari yelled out as he was put to silence immediately by a glare from Aizawa. As well with the rest of the class getting silent.

Aizawa took another sigh.

"You're not out of the clear just yet. With the sports festival coming up, each of you will have to train for the up coming event. It's not a normal festival as all of you know. It's a battle between all the first year classes. After today, all of you will be given time off school to train for this. But none of the teachers are allowed to be of any help in this. You must train yourselves in order to get prepared. So I would expect each and every one of you to take this seriously. After all of your classes are done for the day, you will have three days to train. I expect to see some improvements over that time. Class dismissed." Aizawa said as he exited the room leaving a class full of determined students.

Lunch had begun as each of the students sat at their respected tables with their friends. The main table, however, is where Izuku and Kyoka both sit. Along with them being Iida and Ururaka.

"So, how will you be training for the festival, Midoriya?" Iida asked as they sat to eat.

Izuku, eating his food, quickly swallowed his food to respond.

"Well, if I'm honest I'd like to keep it a secret. If the festival is going to end up like it does every year, it's best to keep secrets when it comes down to it." Izuku responded as Iida nodded.

"Yes, that would be smart wouldn't it. Apologies." Iida said as he went back to his food.

"Who would've thought that the festival would have came this fast. It only feels like we've only been in UA for about a few chapters by now." Ururaka said as each of them gave her a confused look.

"Chapters? You mean days?" Kyoka said confused.

"Huh? That's what I said, days." Ururaka said a bit confused.

"Right... Anyways, she's right. It hasn't felt like we've been here for long, and we've already been through a lot of stuff by now. I just hope that the whole time we're here isn't like that." Kyoka said as the other nodded.

"Yeah, I hope so too. But at least we know how stronger we have to get. I want to get stronger so I can become a hero. Then I'll be able to protect a lot of people without others getting hurt. So I can't wait for the festival to see how much I've grown since I came here." Izuku said as he clinched his fist.

"Yes, I agree. The festival is the perfect chance to see how far we've come since coming here. So I would hope we give it our all." Iida said as the others nodded.

Each of them then went back to eating their food. But before Kyoka could start, she felt a tap on her shoulder to her side. Already knowing who it is for obvious reasons, she looked over towards Izuku. She watched as he put up his fist in her direction with a smile.

"Let's do our best, alright?" He said to her.

Kyoka only smiled as she put her fist up to his.

"I already planned on it."

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