Chapter 52.

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We walked up to Jordan's main door and pushed it open since it was unsurprisingly unlocked. They had a similar floorplan and set up. The only difference was that they had tones of soothing blues while ours was more grey. It was a nice change. Amy also had more inside plants around the house and the hints of leafy green here and there made it even more beautiful.

We followed the smell of barbecue and entered their backyard. They had left the giant glass doors open. The weather was on our side today, it was sunny but the wind balanced the heat.

Greeting the four couples scattered around Bob who was handling the barbecue, I left Den and Jordan's side to go stand between my parents. We all were standing in a semi circle, our backs to the sun, the pool behind us.

"You guys hungry?" Mom asks squishing my cheeks as I rest my head next to hers.

"Starving," I sigh.

"This batch is almost done. Trevor, come on, the burgers aren't going to assemble themselves," Bob calls out to Trevor, Ian's dad without looking up from the grill.

"I'll get the drinks," Mark, Anna's dad offers and takes Marissa along with her.

"We have a tiny surprise for you guys, well mostly Roya and Anna, but eventually for everyone," Amy tells us and Anna and I share curious looks.

Just as Amy looks inside the house and everyone follows her eyes, Marissa walks out hand in hand with Sarah.

"Roro! Annie!" Sarah's smile widens as me and Anna rush to her and engulf her in our arms.

"You're back from summer camp!" Anna asks, squeezing her with me.

"Yes!" She laughs back. Sarah is Jordan's little sister and unofficially everyone's sister in the group. She's the favorite kid of the entire clan. Everyone loves her. Everyone.

"Guys let her breathe," We hear Ian and step back. 

"No hugs for brother?" Jordan smirks at Sarah with this glint in his eyes that only appears for her. It's this shine in his eyes along with that soft but mischievous and Sarah's expression matches his. 

"You got your yesterday," Sarah pokes her tongue out at Jordan and all of us whip our heads at Jordan. 

"You met her yesterday?" Anna is furious. 

"Surprise?" Jordan half chuckles but his eyes are nervous and everyone laughs at all of behaving like kids. 

I watch as Ian hugs Sarah too and introduces her to Dave and Denver. Both of them getting there own share of bear hugs from Sarah.  

She's the favorite kid for a reason. 

We soon got our burgers and drinks and the parents helped us gather the bean bags from the basement up to the backyard on Sarah's request. Even though her seat was eventually Anna's lap. 

While Jenna shared Ian's embarrassing childhood moments with Dave and Den, and Dad kept adding mine in the mix, making the incidents funnier, I just sat back and took in the scene in front of me. The pink and orange tones of the sun setting and the wind teasing all of our hairs to make them look just right. The scent of burgers and lemon in the air along with light music and this happy feeling in all of us. Every single one of us just being ourselves and enjoying it. And I think, I think of how everything turned out. How I stepped out of a shitty heartbreak and got to experience the love of not just one but two people who are now so important for me. So important that I would allow them to break my heart. How I found another brother in Dave. How there's so little of the darkness left in me. Sure, there will always be this side of me that's insecure and worried and a fucking mess but I also have people who understand me. I know there are still a few problems that we need to face like mom and dad's divorce and how to tell people about this relationship and adulting all in all but looking at this people in front of me, I know we'll get through it.

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