Chapter 1

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       Staring at the mirror at these moment fanned the already suffocating rage inside of me ,my once beautiful body in which I took so much pride in now marred beyond recognition. Bruises of different kind and of different tools,scares inflicted by different kinds of abuse now made my body ugly ,I'm sure even my own mother in her grave won't recognize me now. For five good years I have suffered and endured the pain,the abuse ,stopped myself from looking in the mirror when I walked past it scared of the monster I had been forced into ,scared of how much he had broken me but physically and mentally

. Today is the day I say no more ,no more on my birthday this day I will free myself and my friends from these hell hole ,just as if it was calling to me I saw my medical pills just at the dress table beside which I stayed beside me ,it would be so easy to free myself of this disgusting flesh but no I have come this far and revenge is inevitable.

It wasn't always this bad I actually had a beautiful family *laughs* its funny huh  ,I had a mother who loved me with every fiber of her being and a father who adored me, its funny how I always was a daddy's girl but then like the saying goes nothing lasts forever. I ended up here because of the man I called father who couldn't tame his greed ,after my mom passed on he blamed me and that led to these,the one man I hate more than my father he is the man of my nightmare's and I promise his head would be a decorative piece in my house . with these in mind I  walk to my closet and where my most revealing royal gown ,yes I am the queen he made me queen after forcefully taking my innocence from me, that is a day that will forever remain engraved in my memory . I took my dagger and hid it inside my dress Time for face one

Hey y'all so these is the first chapter I'm going to point out that these book isn't edited so read at ur own risk if u decide to go further I hope u enjoy ,sorry these is short its just a teaser

Love from lullaby

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