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Gone- Rosé


It was around midnight when Gojo and itadori sprung up, after hearing a glass break. Gojo stumbled up grabbing his glasses and then- suddenly stopped in panic he scampered off his shirt before putting it up to his mate's nose.

Commanding him to not remove his shirt and find a place to hide and not move. Not questioning it he rushed to find a place to hide, and it didn't take long for him to take shelter in a small room.

Not long ago they had built a concealed room just in case of emergencies. Itadori was scared out of his mind. He wasn't stupid enough to remove the shirt since he wouldn't have it in the first place if it wasn't a gas being spread around the house.

He was worried about his mate but, they had been over what was to happen if something bad was to happen. After a couple of minutes, he heard feet securing around saying "get him" and "find him".

Eventually, it was eerily silent in the house. You could hear a pin drop. Itadori was scared but he knew it was finally time to come out and assess the damage. It was heartbreaking to see the state of his home. The home where memories were made, whether it'd be from love, or a community of friends joining bathing in each other's presence. Quietly he stepped through the shell of the house calling his mate's name, but only receiving silence. He felt his heart drop while trying to step over the trash-filled ground he cringed when he heard some glass scrape the floor. Looking down he saw that he stepped on a picture frame. Bending down and picking it up he smiled softly at the photo; it was a photo of Gojo and Itadori at a small cafe, eating a pie. It was a long time ago since that picture was taken, he missed those simple times. 

Itadori had silent tears running down his face, he never felt so alone. After his tears dried up on his face he took his phone and called his best friend. Ishiguro grabbed his phone in annoyance wondering why the fuck would somebody be calling at half past three.  grimacing as the brightness temporarily blinded him. Looking at the ID he knew itadori would never call so early if it wasn't an emergency. Clearing his throat quietly he picked up the phone talking in whispers so he would wake up his mate. Gumi could hear some shuffling and sniffling from itadori side of the phone. Automatically alarmed he asked what was wrong. There were a few breaths of silence before Itadori explained as best as he could without panicking. 

Megumi tapped his mate harshly telling him to get the fuck up. Kamo grumbled at let out a frustrated sigh because of his interrupted sleep. He slowly trudged up to ask gumi why he was awoken. In response gumi let a short and curt answer " sorry, but shut up and follow me".  Kamo knowing that he wasn't going to get a proper answer nodded and left to change into some actual clothes. Megumi was already almost done with himself he went to his daughter's room to get her up. He just left her in her pj's simply because he didn't want to be bothered with changing her. She was a little whiny from being wakened up but she was fine for the most part. 

He grabbed his daughter in his arms walking to the front door. He was looking around for his keys.  Hearing them jingle he looked toward his mate, thankful to have him. They all walked over to the car. Gumi laying his daughter down across the seat so she can continue to sleep. Then grabbed the keys from kamo, and walked over and sat in the drivers seat. Eventually everybody was settled and megumi left his home. A couple minutes into the drive he felt his mate hand place on his thigh. It was a simple gesture but it meant a lot. Sighing he tapped the wheel a few times before explaining everything.


Ngl my update schedule is ass. But good news it I've been working on my oneshot book and have made a ton of writing. Not to meantion u can tell where my new writing style is.💀

Anyway I hoped u enjoyed it. See ya 💕

 See ya 💕

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