Tons of Homework

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The Krelborns' cozy tract house was quiet, each of its occupants off on their own adventures. Sixteen-year-old Lily was out with friends, and Seymour had decided to stay a little later at the flower shop they owned on Main Street. Audrey was busy making supper, swaying along with the music from the radio that sang softly. Fourteen-year-old Nate was curled up on the couch with a comic book, the TV's volume on low while he waited for his favorite show to start.

Suddenly, the sharp ring of the telephone cut through the stillness, causing both mother and son to jump. Nate reluctantly got up, calling out to Audrey, "I'll get it, Mom,"

"Thank ya, dahlin'" she replied, turning back to her work.

Nate picked up the phone. Immediately, a sharp, nasally voice shot quick words into his ear.

"Hey, this is Michael Markler. Ya know, from down the street. Anyways, I was wonderin' if Nate was home and could come over?"

Nate sighed inwardly and forced out, "Hey Michael, it's Nate,"

"Oh hey! Didn't realize it was you!" Michael said, words flying from his mouth at breakneck speed, "So, what's the word? Can you come over?"

Nate stifled a groan. Michael was a good kid, only he always talked about the same things and always wanted to play the same childish board games when he was over. Nate didn't really care for Michael's parents either. They treated Nate like he was five and always said he was "Too quiet for his age" and "Ought to be out and about more". They were also as enthusiastic about talking as their son was, much to Seymour's dismay.

"Umm . . ." Nate stalled, until suddenly an idea dawned on him, "Hold on, let me ask my mom,"

"Okay," Michael said.

Nate called for Audrey. She rounded the corner, wiping her hands on her apron, her eyebrow arched in question.

"Hmm? Who is it?" She asked.

"It's Michael Markler, from down the street," Nate said slowly, emphasizing each word.

"Oh," Her eyebrow traveled higher up her forehead in confusion.

"He wants to know if I can come over to his house tonight," Nate said while shaking his head vigorously in an obvious 'no'.

"I -uh . . ." She cocked her head to one side, fully displaying her classic 'I'm completely lost' face. Slowly, she began to catch on to her son's frantic head shakes and hand motions, "Um . . . Well . . . No, Nate, you can't go ova' to Michael's house,"

Nate smiled enthusiastically and mouthed, louder. Audrey nodded, and said it again, this time raising her voice a little.

"Well, gee, sorry Michael, guess I can't," Nate said with mock disappointment.

"Man, that stinks," Michael said, "Why not?"

"I - um . . . I'm . . . really behind on homework," Nate fibbed. He looked to Audrey for backup.

"Yes," she said more surely, having figured out Nate's plan, "You have a ton of homework that you need to get done, young man,"

Nate smiled, and spoke back into the phone, "Well, you heard it here. I got a ton of homework to do," He glanced at his mother. She raised an eyebrow at him. "But I'm really sorry though, maybe another time would work," he added, and Audrey nodded. She was one for courtesy and general politeness.

On the other end of the line, Michael said, "Oh, well, okay, then I'll see you some other time?"

Nate winced at Michael's disappointment, "Yeah, sometime soon,"

"Okay, see ya!" Michael said and hung up the phone. Nate sighed with relief while putting the phone back onto the receiver.

"What was that all about?" Audrey asked, "Why didn't you want to hang out with him?"

"I don't know Ma. I mean he's a great kid . . . But I guess I just wasn't feelin' it," Nate said, half truthfully. But Audrey saw through her son's facade.

"Is that all? You know, it's alright to not like someone," she reassured him, "Now, that doesn't mean that you're disrespectful or rude towards those people though, Nate,"

Nate nodded, "I know, I just . . . find him slightly annoying. And I was really looking forward to a nice peaceful evening alone on the couch, reading my comic books,"

"You're just like your fatha'' Audrey laughed, "I unda'stand. It is good to have a moment alone. And, just between you and me," she added, "I agree on the fact that he is a little annoyin' and I don't care much for his parents eitha'. But," she finished, "that's life,"

"That's life," Nate echoed, chuckling to himself.

"Now," Audrey said, winking, "Don't you have a ton of homework to finish, young man?"

Nate laughed, "Yeah, I gotta finish the new Spiderman comic for class! Did you know they're assigning comic books for school now?"

"Yeah, suah," Audrey said, returning to the kitchen, "Suppah's in around a half-hour,"

Nate smiled, "Oh, and Mom?"

Audrey turned around, "Hm?"

"Thanks. For covering me, I mean,"

It was Audrey's turn to laugh. "Anytime," she said, and returned to her dinner preparations, still giggling quietly to herself. Nate returned to his place on the couch. He tugged a blanket around his shoulders and snuggled into the soft throw pillows. A gentle peacefulness settled over the house once more and the comforting smells of a home-cooked meal began to fill the air. Nate sighed contently as he dove back into the crime-fighting lives of his favorite heroes. And no part of him wished to be anywhere else.

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