Chapter 3: I'M IN BRIGHTON!

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WATER??? WHAT?? I looked out the window and saw the plane was sinking. I also saw SHARK heading towards my window. I covered my eyes and hoped for the best.
Just then I woke up to the plane landing. It was just a dream, thank god. I sat and waiting for everyone else to get up and get their bag. My heart was still kinda beating fast from the dream. I waited for the person in the seat aisle to get up and get their stuff. When they were done, I got up and got my bags. I got off the plane very excited. I was about to see my best friend for the first time in 10 YEARS. When I got to the bagging area to grab the rest of my bags, i saw my sister (If you don't have a sister, then you do now) standing there waiting for me.



I ran over to Amy and wrapped my arms around her. I dropped my bags next to her. It felt so good to see and hug my sister. I missed her sooo much

"I'm in BRIGHTON!"

"Yes you are!" My sister chuckled

"Does Will know your here" My sister asked me

"No, did you tell him?"

"I was going to but then I thought maybe you wanted to surprise him"

"I am going to surprise him"

"Last time you saw him you were...."


"15!? Has it really been 10 years since you last saw him?"

"Yes it has" I smiled

"Do you want to go surprise Will now or in the morning?"

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and grabbed my phone. It was 6:24 pm. I looked up at Amy and smiled

"We can do tomorrow"

"Okay. Grab your bags and I will bring my car around to the front entrance"

I smiled and nodded. Before she left I grabbed her arm

"What does your car look like?"

"Its a blue nice van"

I nodded and turned around. The bags started to come down the bag thing. I didn't see my suitcase so I just waited. Then I saw my R/c (Random Colour) suitcase. I grabbed it and went to the entrance. I sat and waited for Amy. I didn't see a blue van so I wait, and waited, and waited. It was about 2 mins so I decided to text her

Where are yo-

In the middle of typing I saw a blue van approach. I saw Amy in the driver seat so I went to the boot (Trunk if you're american) . I put all my bags in the boot and shut it. I then got in the passenger seat. She drove of and I thought to thought to my self

'Holy shit. I am actually in the UK and I am about to meat my best friend tomorrow'

I opened my phone and started to text Wilbur


I waited for the "..." to pop up to mean he was typing. I was waiting for about 20 secs before I looked at Amy

"How long is the car ride to your house?"

"Oh, about 50 mins"


I looked down at my phone saw "Read 6:29". I saw the three dots for a sec before they went away. I opened Spotify and started to listen to Wilbur's old music. I was also excised about this new song Your New Boyfriend. Will was always so talented. I remember he only wanted to be a singer. I smiled and thought about Will and our childhood memories, but there was about to be so many more new memories. I was also not going to meet my parents because they lived in Russia but that fine. I never really had a close bond to my parents. My sister was the only family I really loved. I looked out the window for about 32 mins listening to Wilbur's old music before my phone buzzed. It was a message from Wilbur.


I smiled and replied

[Are you busy tomorrow?]

[No, why?]

[I just wanted to face time tomorrow]

[Oh, well we can face time right now]

[I can't sorry]


Now I knew he wasn't busy tomorrow. I didn't actually want to face time him but I just wanted to know if he was busy. I looked out my window again and waited for us to get home. When we got to her house, I smiled. Her house wasn't big but it wasn't small. I went to the boot and grabbed my Bags. I went inside and Amy showed me to my room.

"You are going to stay here until you can find an apartment to live at"

"Thanks sis"

I placed my bags on the guest bedrooms bed, and sat down. I looked at the clock and it was 6:57 pm. I started to unpack the main stuff, like some of my cloths and stuff. I got up and went to the living room. I sat on the couch and Amy walked out of the kitchen. She came out wityh some popcorn

"We are watching a movie and there is nothing you can do to stop me"

I chuckled and smiled

"What movie are we even gonna watch?"

She walked over to me and sat next to me

"Uhhh, i don't know. Maybe...m/n (Movie Name)"

"Nah, How about F/m (Fav Movie)"

"Oh, I haven't seen that yet"

"What?! HOW? I love the movie so much, we are watching it and you can't stop me"

I grabbed the remote from Amy, and searched up the movie. It was £5

"5 pounds? Is this movie worth 5 pounds"

"Yesss, It is"

"Fine, but you are paying"

I clicked the movie and paid for it. I grabbed a hand full of popcorn and ate it


When the movie was over I looked at Amy and she was dead asleep. I looked at the time on the clock on the wall and it said 8:21 pm. I got up and went to my room. I sat on my bed and started to text Brooke. Then we face timed for about an hour. We mostly talked about how much we are going to miss each other and the surprise. We both ended up sleeping on the call


I am so excited to wright chapter 4 because that is when the surprise will happen. I really hope you like this story, if you don't then....okay. I may need more ideas because I want this to be a BIG story so DM on discord "BlairGoldinnit#6359". School does start tomorrow but it is only a half day so I may wright the rest tomorrow afternoon, but when school starts the posting on this story will be slowed down, sorry. :) I also did not reread this so sorry for grammar mistake. I also changed to description so please check that out. :)

Words: 1100

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