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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"So you got adopted?" I nodded as I sat down on the couch beside Jasper.

"Yeah, it was either adoption or go into the Foster system. The pack wasn't going to let me go so Sam took me in."

"So does that change anything?" I shook my head at Emmett.

"No, I'm still a Hill, the only thing that changes is my legal guardian." I reached over to the table and grabbed the bowl of goldfish.

"Why did you guys even have these?"

"Alice knew you'd be here so she forced us to stop and grab a bag." I smiled and threw a handful into my mouth.

"How was New York?" I listened as each of them told me a about their separate stories.

Esme told me about the view. Emmett told me about all the different animals they got to hunt and Rosalie told me about the libraries they had knowing I would be interested to hear all about books.

"They were huge and had every book you could think of. I even bought you a few to add to your collection." She rushed off before returning and handing me over a box and I took it without any hesitation.

It was filled with great reads such as Hamlet, Macbeth, Great Gaspy, Little Woman, and books written by Stephan King-an author that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. There was even the complete collect of Sherlock Holmes. I couldn't wait to dive into all the great books but I wanted to enjoy the time I could now spend with the Cullens. Alice and Edward weren't hear but would be home from Italy tomorrow.

Apparently Edward wanted to be alone after they left and only called in a every few months. When Bella was cliff diving Alice had apparently got a vision and returned to Forks to see Bella. Edward didn't know that Bella was alive and left to Volterra. He asked the Volturi to kill him since he didn't want to be alive without Bella. As I listened more to the story I realized how much Edward and Bella relayed on each other.

"He was willing to die?"

"Edward loves Bella, I'm sure Jasper would do the same thing if you passed." I turned to Jasper with a glare at Carlisle's words.

"He better not, I'll come haunt his ass if he even thinks about it." They laughed at me as I playfully punched Jaspers arm.

"Then again, if Jasper died I'd probably do the same. It hurts for a shape-shifter to lose their mates, we feel an unbearable pain. Some even take their own lives, so in a way I can understand what Edward felt."

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