Day at the beach <3

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⚠️ Some swearing involved ⚠️

Y/N - your name



Me and my boyfriend Phil decided that today was a good day to take our son Ronnie to the beach. It was a hot day in England so it was just right thing to do.

I'm in Ronnie's bedroom changing him into his outfit for the day and packing the bag with some toys and all sorts of things you take to the beach.

When I finish packing I put Ronnie down and gave him his iPad and put something on for him. I'm on my phone and 5 minutes later phil walks in.

Phils POV :

I walk into Ronnie's room, Ronnie's sitting on the floor on his iPad and Y/N sitting next to him on her phone.

I lean down and kiss her head. She turns to look up at me.

Y/N : Heyyy

I lean to sit on the floor behind her. I hugged her from behind.

Phil : Hey

She turns and gives me a quick kiss. She pulls away and looks back over to see if Ronnie's okay, but he's just focused on his iPad.

Y/N : iv gotta go get ready, then we can make our way to the beach

Phil : Mhm okay

She gives me another kiss then gets up and goes to our room. I start playing with Ronnie


I leave Ronnie's room and get ready. Phil and Ronnie were both ready so it was just me. I put on my bikini but I put shorts and a oversized shirt(not to big though) over it. I grab the closest shoes that were near me which were my sliders and put them on. I pick up my sunglasses and phone and left my room.

As I walk into Ronnie's room, Phil was playing with him in his ball pit that I got him for Christmas. I decided to take a video of it just for memories.

Y/N : okay are we ready to go

Phil turns around to see me in the doorway laughing.

Phil : yep, come on bud.

He picks Ronnie up and he starts giggling. Ronnie grabs Phils face and kisses him on the cheek, we all laugh.

Y/N : awww can mummy get a kiss!

Ronnie : yes mummy can have a kwiss

Ronnie grabs my face and pulls me into a big kiss. He starts to giggle.

Phil takes Ronnie out to the car and gets him all buckled up. As I'm about to walk out the door I turn and see Ronnie's bucket and spade on the side, Phil must have forgotten to pick it up.

I pick it up and walk out the door, as I go to lock the door I realise that I don't have the keys but Phil comes running up with them and locking it for me.

I put everything in the car and make our way to the beach.


We finally arrived at the beach. We found a spot and set it all up. I told Phil to invite jack(grealish) and his girlfriend Sasha to come aswell, but they had to do something so their coming 2 hours later.

I made Phil help me but as soon as we finished him and Ronnie went down to the water

Y/N : be careful!

Phil : we will!

So I just took some time to myself and got myself a tan.

2 hours later Jack and Sasha arrived. Sasha came and sat with me and jack went down to Phil and Ronnie.

Me and Sasha started to talk about how life was going and just about the future.

Sasha : would you ever like to have another kid

Y/N : yeah, we already have a mini Phil, so I want a mini me around aswell. What about you, do you want kids

Sasha : yeah definitely, but just not right now especially with modelling going on where I have to travel a lot

Y/N : mhm yeah

Me and Sasha end up falling asleep on the chairs.

Phils POV :

Me, jack and Ronnie are down at the water. Me and jack look away for 5 seconds and turn around to see Ronnie running back up with a bucket full of water. He was heading back up to the girls.

Phil + Jack : oh shit

We try run after him but Ronnie's getting way to fast and he could fit through all the gaps between people when me and jack can't.

Ronnie makes his way up to the girls and their both asleep. He runs straight up to Y/N and dumps the water on her.

Phil : fuck


I wake up from Ronnie just dumping water all over me.

Y/N : RONNIE FODEN... you did not just do that!!!

I look at him mad but he gives me the puppy eyes, like I can't stay mad at that. We all start to laugh

Me and Phil take Ronnie down to the water together. Ronnie's putting sand on his bucket. Phil turn to me and gives me a kiss, I give him a kiss back. I turn around and see paparazzi.

Y/N : there's paparazzi over there.

Phil : we should get going or is getting laye and you know how Ronnie doesn't like the paparazzi

Y/N : yeah, come on Ronnie we're gonna go home now

Ronnie : okay mummy!

Ronnie runs up to me and grabs mine and Phils hands.

We make our way back up, jack and Sasha had already packed everything up. We took it all up to the car, I got Ronnie all dried up so he wouldn't get the car all wet.

We say goodbye to jack and Sasha then they make their way to their car. We get in and make our way home.

Today was a great day and we'll always remember it...


Word count :  1029 words!

A/N :

Hey guys this is the first one of this book, I hope you all enjoyed it!
If you have any suggestions my insta is @_phil.foden.x :))
Have a great day, stay safe and I'll try post another one today, but it's hard because my acrylics are way to long😂

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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