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Welcome to the first part of the story!

For thosse who are new, a key:

Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

F/n: Father's name

M/n: Mother's name

S/n: Sister's name

B/n: Brother's name


We start off in Menagiere, where on the outskirts of the main townclose to the vast dessert lies a siseable house, in which lives a baby Y/n L/n and his family.  The said family consists of F/n, M/n, S/n, B/n.  The family chose to live on the outskirts because of the type of faunas they are which is "Crimson Cat" faunas.  Being that kind of funas makes them heat oriented so they choose to live closer to the dessert where the climate is warmer.  

S/n is the oldest child of F/n and M/n with B/n being he second youngest, leving Y/n the youngest sibling out of the L/n house.  S/n was 2 years older than Y/n, and B/n was only a year older.  The family was part of the White Fang when Girah belladonna was the High Leader, because he was good friends with both F/n and M/n, and they had the same goal in mind.  Blake Belladonna was also good friends with S/n and B/n, but with Y/n being a baby she could really only see him and go "aww what a cute baby~".  But, when Girah stepped down as High Leader the L/n's left as well...

However, some members of the White fang and a certain Bull faunas didn't really like the idea of 2 of the most decorated fighters in Menagire let alone the White Fang leaving with their children who most likely had very promising futures as hunters/fighters.  So, he decided if they weren't with them, they were against them.  A few of the people who were loyal to Adam and had the same ideals as him started a plan to "better the White Fang" by being rid of "traitors".  Blake was against it from the start because it was her friends family, which was like family to her.  Ilia was all for it as she thought they were stealing Blake away from her just like how it was with Adam.

They devised a plan, that when Sienna Kahn started the new direction of the White Fang while most of the other members were rallying or elsewhere, they would attack the L/n's.  The only thing they weren't sure of was if it was out of rage, or if it was out of fear.  Especially if they failed, because if they did then they would have to face the wrath of F/n and M/n, which once gain are two of, if not the best fighters in all of Menagiere.  Paired with that, they were also some of the greatest minds on the island full of faunas.  They have created numerous inventions that were designed to aid them in combat as well as weapons catered to their fighting styles and semblances.  

When they left the White Fang they had an alterior motive to doing so, which was to continue their research on mysterious portals, which they hypothesize to be from another world.  That hypothesis is derived from a certain wanted poster that appeared out of one of the portals right in front of them.  The poster was for someone named "Gol D. Roger, The King of Pirates and most wanted man". The reward was 500,000,000,000,000 "B" which is an apparent currency in the workd where the wanted poster is from.  And anyone is smart enough to know that despite the two titles the man had, anyone worth that many zeros is extremely dangerous.  Naturally they wanted to know more about it and began researching the mysterious portals.  

They also think that there are multiple different worlds, (I mean if there's 1 then theres definitley more).  They also shared the research they've collected with their children in hopes that they would take after them in their love of knowledge and eventually help them in their research.  However those dreams will be short lived, as the attack will leave nothing left... or so they would think (you'll understand later).  With that being said, we will continue in the next chapter, where it will be way more actual story like.


A/n: Thanks for reading the first chapter, sorry if the timeline is a little skewed I will revise this eventually, and fix any plotholes that may go against what I have planned so far.  Also sprry for the short chapter, I am writing on my tablet, and do not have access to a computer to write on and that makes it harder since I'm just using the onscreen keyboard.  Also if it doesn't make much sense at some pioints thats because I have been writing over the spand of 3 days at different times.  I'm thinking of also changing this to family bio instead of prolouge, anyways tell me what you think so far, and I'll try to get chapters out as fast as I can.  Thank you for reading once again and see you next time.

P.s. I don't think they ever showed Roger's bounty, so I guessed on what it would have been, it might have been a bit much, but he was the king of pirates c'mon


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