Day 1

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Its the new and improved first chapter! 

hope you enjoy <3

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I woke up... I didn't really recognise the room.. all I remember was getting drunk last night with my friends

oh shit.. 

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"Lets play truth or dare." Maya suggested as we were all bored sitting in a booth in a nearby bar

"Yes!" Violet grinned and looked at Maya

I always had a feeling that they were into each other, but they never really admitted to it

Maya was quite a bad friend, but Violet was great, she was actually caring

"Im out" I said, I was getting tired and I had already had a few drinks

"Oh dont be so boring Mia, just play a few rounds" Maya crossed her arms, then taking another sip of her drink

"Fine, but you're paying for my taxi home" I said and leaned forward to lay my elbows onto the table

"Bet, Im first!" Maya giggled, glancing at me

I looked down, hoping she would pick violet or one of the random guys she got to come with us that were sitting around the table.. one of them, i'm pretty sure his name was Zack, was trying to push himself onto me all night, and I honestly wasn't having it.

"Mia." Maya interrupted my thoughts

"Hm?" I looked back up, confused on what had happened

"I asked you truth or dare." She said

"Right, uh truth I guess" I drank the rest of my drink, it had gotten warm by then so it wasn't the nicest

"You're literally so boring" Maya rolled her eyes, nudging the guy next to her. 

Chris, she had a crush on him since they were 8, I mean that's a long time. I had only knew them all since we were 16, so three years. But I was grateful I even had any friends, most people hated me because of my brothers past, or because of what my father did to my mother...

"Mia! what is up with you today" I was snapped out of my thoughts once again

"Sorry, what did you say?" I adjusted myself to sit straighter

"Do you like anyone here?" Maya asked the truth

"No" I answered candidly and Zack looked at me, he just won't take the hint

Maya giggled and I asked violet the same question as she had picked truth too

"I guess" She glanced at Maya. I couldn't understand how she even liked her, she's so two faced, and such a snake. She would always ditch me and vi for boys, like a little pick me. And yes I know I am being two faced right now but... you can't blame me "Cool" I replied

"Next!" Maya yelled

This childish game went on for another couple of rounds until Chris turned to me and asked, I decided to pick dare.. which turned out to be one of the the worst mistakes of my life.

"I dare you to get 10 shots. Drink them all then come dance with me" He said

I chuckled and looked down, biting my lip. I knew this would cause so much anger in Maya

I stood up and walked to the bar, ordering 10 shots,

I tried convincing myself that this was a good idea, that it would be so great to see maya's face with Chris's hands on my hips, swaying to the music. And after a few shots, all the anxiety went away

"Lets go" I grabbed Chris's wrist and pulled him to the dance floor.

We walked to the dance floor, and I began swaying my hips

Chris pulled me close, making my arse press up against his crotch, and I could feel maya's eyes glued to me.

I pushed myself harder into him, and he let out a low groan. I never really knew Chris like personally, but I will admit.. he's hot

I could feel his erection growing against me, and then Maya walked up to us

"You know I like him you whore!" She slapped me, and I gasped 

"Oh you bitch" I punched her nose, making it bleed

we got into a big fight until I felt big hands come around my waist and pull me away from her

"Let me go you cunt!" I yelled, kicking my legs

Maya was on the ground, wiping blood from her lip which I busted

"Fucking two faced snake!" I shouted at her and Chris pulled me away

"Yo calm down" He said, letting go of me

I let out a groan and walked to the bar, sitting on a stool

I wiped a bit of blood from my nose, as the bartender walked up to me

"What can I get you?" He asked, smiling

"Just a uh, a vodka" I slurred

"I dont think you should have another drin-" 

"Just get me the vodka! please." I cut him off

"Yeah, sure" He got my drink and handed it to me, walked to another customer

I sat alone, drinking my drink for a little while until someone sat on the chair next to me

"You wanna get out of here?" He asked

"Yeah" I stood up and walked out with him.

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Okayyy, so this chapter is very short.. but I was just a little flashback of the night before

Hope you enjoyed<3

Bye my loves!

xoxoxo - DaintyDevil

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