Unexpected Connection

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It has always been there, right between the sun and the earth. An unexplainable form of machinery that has no use other than floating above our heads. For the first time, we've succeeded in landing on it to see the components of such an awe-inspiring construction. However, even we couldn't have seen this coming.

The cylinder device was made out of pure metal with two lenses in the center, lining above one another. Why would there be lenses in the middle of the space? All those years of excitement, in the end, it was for nothing.

That's when we heard a voice from the communication center that left us puzzled. In the most monotonous voice, "connected" was announced. We ran to see just what kind of device accidentally connected to our ship in the middle of the space.

When we finally reached the communication center, the words on the control panel were barely legible. The lights were low due to the Eco mode. So, we called out to our virtual assistant, "Terry, higher the light intensity by 40%".

The lights became blinding, not the one from the inside as we expected, rather the one out in space. The sun began to burn our flesh and dig our eyes. We were no longer able to see anything, but among all that chaos and high-pitched screams, Terry, as calmly as ever, answered our previous unspoken question.

"The connection with Bluetooth device "microscope-042" has not been trusted by the motherboard. To allow any further changes while using the device, Terry requires you to change the main setting."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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