Chapter one

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"So this is Ikebukuro? Quite the large place." A young teen looked around the bustling train station and walked out, dragging his suitcase.

His short black hair blew in the wind and he sighed, heading to his place after getting a taxi.

The car ride was a nice and quiet one, the teen glanced out the window, observing more of the area he would soon get to know more of as days pass by.

"Hey kid, you like mysteries?" The taxi driver asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" The teen asked.

"This city has a famous myth going on, the Headless Rider."

"Headless Rider?"

The taxi driver looked at the boy from the rear view mirror and chuckled as he nodded. "Yes sir, no one knows its gender but it wears a black suit and helmet, riding a motorcycle that has no motor running, many say it has no head underneath that helmet."

"No motor running and rumored to be headless? Didn't think this city would have a rumor like that I admit." Kyo looked at his phone, searching up this said rumor and found lots of articles and saw some photos.

Like the man said the Headless Rider wore an all black suit with a cat like motorcycle helmet and rode an all black bike.

"Interesting," he muttered and the driver stopped at his apartment. "Thanks for the ride," he paid the man and headed inside.

Once he got inside he opened his suitcase and took out his clothes, the moving service he had would have his other things delivered shortly so he decided to get a head start on unpacking.

Kyo moved to Ikebukuro to expand his horizons in the world and get inspiration for new novels to write, he left his uncle and his little sister in good spirits, they are proud of him and fully support his life choices.

"A headless person on a motorcycle.. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious." The teen said to himself and checked the calender on his phone, tomorrow begins hid first day at his new school, Raira Academy.

He isn't nervous or anything, it's just a new school and new faces, something to be expected when in an entirely new environment.

The doorbell rang and the moving service delivered his things.

He set up his futon and walked out of his apartment, once he did he noticed a young boy around his age. He had short black hair and grayish eyes, he also wore a school uniform.

"O-oh are you new here?" The boy asked.

"Yes, I just moved in actually, Kyo replied, looking at his attire. "That's a Raira uniform right?"

"O-oh yes! I'm guessing you will be a new student? My name is Mikado Ryuugamine," the boy bowed.

"I'm Kyo Izumi, also no need for any formalities, just call me Kyo."

"O-okay, then you can just call me Mikado" the boy smiled softly, "were you heading anywhere?"

"I was gonna look around and maybe find a place to eat."

Mikado's eyes lit up, looking pretty excited. "I know a place, my friends and I go there every now and then. I'll show you, it's a Russian sushi place."

Kyo nodded, sushi sounded good right now honestly so he simply asked for the other boy to show him the way there.


The two walked in silence for a moment but then Mikado began to offer a question for conversation.

"So did you move here from somewhere else?"

Kyo nodded, putting his hands in his pockets, "yes, I moved here to get some inspiration for new novels. Writing is a hobby, turned into a big passion of mine."

"Oh! So have you published any?" Mikado asked, Kyo glanced at him slightly and nodded.

"Yes, a few so I guess you could say I have a slight following." Kyo looked ahead and saw them walk up to a building, in front was a man, holding some small slips of paper, calling out to the people who passed him.

"Come, come eat Russia sushi! Sushi good when you feel hungry!" The man noticed the two boys approaching and smiled as he waved. "Ah, Mikado! Good to see you," he looked at Kyo and held out his hand.

"You friend of Mikado? Please call me Simon." The man shook the teen's hand and let them both inside the restaurant.

The took were led to a table in a small private room and took a seat.

"So you're friends with that guy huh?" Asked Kyo.

"Mhm, Simon is a really nice guy. And the food here is great too, trust me you will like it a lot," Mikado smiled, "Since you're a transfer student, I look forward to introducing you to my two good friends, Masaomi and Anri."

"You sure you want to? I mean you just met me after all, do you really want me to be involved with your friends?" Kyo asked him, he wasn't bothered by the boy's kindness he just didn't expect so much hospitality.

"Of course, I don't mind. You see, when I first moved here my friend Masaomi showed me around so I guess seeing how you remind me of that I wanted to do it too."

"I see, well then if that's the case, thank you very much. I will need to repay the kindness you are offering."

Mikado shook his head and blushed slightly as he smiled, waving his hands sheepishly. "Don't even worry about it."

With those words Simon returned with their food and the two began to eat.

After their nice dinner with small talk they both returned home.

"Thank you for treating me, I'll pay you back as soon as I can." Kyo said, earning a shake of the head from Mikado.

"No, no, it's okay really." He smiled, "tomorrow I'll show you the way to the school, we will even meet my friends along the way."

Kyo nodded, agreeing with that plan and bid the other teen a good night and they both went into their homes.

"Mikado... a very nice person indeed, he also gives off the impression of being a doormat for people I'm sure" Kyo said to himself, writing down the events of the day in a journal.

Kyo keeps a journal in hand, always keeping it updated on things that he thinks can lead to future inspiration for his works.

After closing it he changed into gym shorts and a plain white t-shirt, got in his futon and closed his eyes, falling into a nice sleep.

His first day in this new city went well, he already met a pretty nice person and will be meeting his friends as well.

However, he's unaware of the events tomorrow has in store for him. Will they be relaxed like his first day or will he see what this new environment really has to offer?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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