Chapter 1: A Peaceful Picnic

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When I was young I was taught the dangers of the world. Specifically of the woods and the creatures it contained.. Like vampires for example. We were told to never let a vampire in, we were told they were killing machines. But as time went on I started to explore the woods and try to find these so-called "Vampires" just to see how they looked. But then one day I came face to face with one.

Kazumi, Entry 1

I Was making my way through the woods for the first time in awhile on my way to have a little picnic with my sibling Harumi, they were only 4 years younger than me, I treat them as if they were my own child since our father was never in the picture and our mother passed away when Harumi was five. So they're pretty much my responsibility anyways.

"So Harumi, what'd you do today? Hm? " I asked them in my usual soft tone, it took them a minute but they soon responded; "eh, nothing much. Just read some of the books in the town library." Harumi always liked reading ever since they were little, that was how they coped with being cooped up in such a small town all the time. "We're here Harumi." We stopped walking at the small clearing and I set down the basket I was holding and laid out the picnic blanket on the uneven ground, sitting down and patting the spot next to me I spoke again. "C'mon Muffin, sit down." Harumi listened and sat in the spot I patted on the ground, I opened the picnic basket and pulled out two water bottles and two sandwiches I had made that morning and handed one of each to Harumi, "Eat up Muffin, I made your favorite!" As soon as I had said that Harumi unwrapped the sandwich faster than I've ever seen someone unwrap a sandwich and scarfed it down. "Mmm! Yummy! Your food is always amazing sis!" Harumi beamed with a bright smile as I chuckled, "Thank you, Thank you" I bowed and they giggled.

"I'm glad you liked it Muffin" I smiled, we sat in silence for a few minutes until I spoke up again. "So, read any good books lately Muffin? " As soon as I had asked their head went up, "I have actually ! There's this one book I've been reading about a vampire that finds a girl in the woods having a picnic and they seem afraid of each other at first, I really hope they get together they'd be soooo cute !! wait..." They suddenly stopped, their mood changing just a bit. "What is it Harumi?" I asked, a hint of worry in my voice, "It's just that, y'know.. We're having a picnic in the woods- what if something similar happens sis? " What they said had me pause and think for a moment, "Well.. that would definitely be very interesting if something like that happened Muffin, but that's just a book I highly doubt anything like that would actually happen." But then we heard rustling from the bushes. "I should go see what that is- stay here Muffin, and don't move, I'll be right back." I stood up and started to slowly walk towards the bushes, " careful.." Harumi said quietly, and when I got to the bushes I gently moved some of the branches only to come face to face with....

Boom cliffhanger sorry! You'll have to wait and see what was in the bushes in the next chapter! But dont fret ! because I assure you it will be out in the next couple of days! -Killunya_Zoldyckk

Word count: 499 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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