Chapter 9 - And all these little things

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"Hi babe, how are you?" Alex said and waved. We had our weekly skype date. 

"I'm fine, how are you?" I said and waved back with  a smile. God I missed him.

"Allright, I misss you though babe", he said and mad a sad face, making me chuckle.

"Aww, I miss you too luv", I said. "Actually, I have to tell you...I'm going to London on monday"

"Really, why's that?" he said and rested his face on his arm looking cute. 

"I'm going to visit one of my friends", I said and wondered if I should tell him it was Niall.

"Sounds nice, what's the name of your friend?" he asked 

"His name's Niall, he's one of my best friends here from Mullingar. We grew up together", I said and hoped that he didn't read anything into it. 

"Ahh, like the guy from One Direction, isn't his name also Niall?" Alex chuckled "But I guess it isn't him you are going to visit", he said and I couldn't help but smile. 

"Actually...." I said "It is him, I'm going to visit", I said waiting for his reaction. Alex looked priceless.

"Get out! Really, you are going to visit Niall from One Direction?! babe, he's like, really really famous", Alex said reminding me unconciously of my best friends fame.

"I know, but you know, he's just Niall for me...And its okay with you?" 

"Babe, you don't need to ask for my permision, if my girl want's to visit her best friend, I won't hold her back, even if it happens to be one of the guys in the most popular boyband of this time", Alex said and smiled. 

"God, you are the best!" I said and pretended to kiss him through the screen. He laughed. 

"Alright babe, it's late and I have to get up early. See you soon!" he said

"Okay, Goodnight luv, talk later", I said and hung up.

He was the sweetest! He really respected me and never questioned me. I smiled by the thought of him: His perfect face, his blue eyes, his perfect teeth, his caracteristic nose, his always perfectly sat hair, his well-trained body, his kisses, his smile, his voice and god, I could go on! 

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