Scenario 1

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|Age depends on what idea you wanna go with. If you play Yondu he's about 12 (intentionally adjusting the age to be a bit closer to his brothers ages). If you play Ego he's in his 20s. Young Fatherhood AU is also an option here.|

Juniper was excited and curious about what Yondu/Ego had to show him. He tried to look over his shoulder but he turned around instead, showing a baby bug looking girl (Ego showing him Mantis)/a scared 8-year-old Terran boy (Yondu showing him Peter)/another Centaurian, an infant  one(Yondu showing him Vito YF AU).
"Wh-whats that?" he asked in utter amazement.
"A baby/kid," Ego/Yondu replied, "kind of like your new brother/sister," Juniper breathed out slightly in awe, then looked up from focusing on the smaller being the adult held.
"C-can I hold them?"

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