Chapter 1 - Who?

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Outlines of your eyes and visions of you

Brown eyes met, they had spent quite a while together. It would be their two year anniversary in a few days. The young couple walked around Kinoko enjoying the views. It was their Kingdom. Their safe place.

"James please, I just need to rest." A young time traveler said, walking into their shared home. He had messy brown hair, that was quite long. He wore a multiculered jumper and goggles upon his head. His light brown eyes, reflecting warmth however that was the opposite emotion our protagonist felt.

Boy I think I need a minute, to figure out what is, what isn't.

Sapnap was a short guy, but around average height. He had long black hair, tied up with a hair tye, and a white bandana wrapped around his forehead. He wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a white shirt over top. It had a flame on it, linking to his fire addiction. He was quite hot tempered. This was one of those times. His usual happy and firey personality faded. He felt cold. His fiancé couldn't even remember his name. Sapnap was completely unaware of his fiancé's time-travel, this made his doubts more prominent.

"Who- Who the honk is James?" The Blazeborn spat, he was furious, who wouldn't be in his situation. Karl went silent, this made things even worse, with Sapnap's doubts about him having an affair.
"I'm going to ask again. Who is James, Karl?" Sapnap repeated, his tone a lot calmer but hurt still showing through.
"I-I don't know a James." Karl stuttered, indicating he was lying.
"What would Big Q say about this.." The blaze thought aloud.
"Who?" Karl asked, making Sapnap tear up.

These choices and voices they're all in my head.

"The fiancé that left. Our Big Q. Our boyfriend. But he's more focused on Las Navedas." He spoke sadly, he did miss him more than he let on. He seemed more bothered about the duck-hybrid leaving than Karl did. Karl asked one final question making everything worse than it already was..
"Who are you again?"

Sometimes you make me feel crazy
Sometimes I swear I think you hate me- like uh-

"Wh-What?" Sapnap asked, his dark brown eyes filling with tears. This couldn't be happening.. Surely Karl knew his beloved fiancé..

I need a walk, I need a walk
I need to get out of here cause-

Sapnap turned and ran, his heart hurt. He felt hurt, he felt his heart break into a million little shards. His vision blurred as tears welled up in his eyes, he needed them to fall but they just wouldn't. It hurt too much.

I need to know

Flashbacks of the previous situation played in his head on replay. How could he? How could Karl forget him? Was he not good enough? Doubts, running wild in his head. Karl's final words stuck on loop.

"Who are you?"

It broke him all over again. Was this all real? Maybe it's a nightmare, yeah! He'll wake up in Karl's arms and none of this would've happened. At least, that's what Sapnap hoped. That was until he tripped on a stone, and the harsh reality sank in.

'Cause you're not the boy I fell in love with, Baby

Maybe it wasn't Karl, maybe it was some imposter wanting revenge on Sapnap. Then again, Sapnap didn't have many enemies at the moment, he was civil with everyone.

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