Micheal + Jordan

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Micheal's pov:

I'm scared shitless.

Today is the day I come out to Jordan. And hopefully tomorrow I'll come out to my family.

I wanted to tell Jordan in private so she won't feel embarrassed in front of everybody.

I plan on telling her when she gets over here from her grandparents' house.

"You got this, I promise," Campbell said beside me.

We were sitting on my bed as we watched the alarm clock on my desk tick.

"What if she hates me?" I asked, glancing over at my sister.

"She's not going to hate you, Mic. Jordan isn't like that. She'll understand. I feel it in my bones."

I nodded as I tapped my foot on the ground, anxiously.

She should be arriving any minute now.

Campbell's phone dinged, and she looked at with a smile.

"Brent is here. I promise you got this. If things go bad, just call me, okay?" I nodded, and she gave me a hug.

"Good luck, partner."

And with that she was out the door.

I am now regretting telling Campbell that I need to do this on my own.

A few minutes passed, and I heard the front door open. I told Jordan to come on in the house once she got here.

Taking a deep breath, I walked downstairs to see Jordan. Her short brown hair had a hair clip in it, and her brown eyes filled with happiness.

"Hey," Jordan greeted with a huge smile. She tried to kiss me, but I turned, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"We need to talk, Jordan," I replied, trying to keep my fear from my voice.

Her smile turned into a frown. "Is everything okay?"

I licked my lips, nervously,"Why don't we sit on the couch?"

She nodded, and we sat on the couch next to each other. Our knees were touching.

"Micheal, you're scaring me. What's wrong?" Jordan asked, placing her hand on mine.

"Jordan, you are an amazing person. You are a beautiful, smart, funny, thoughtful, and even more human being. I will always love you, but-.."

"A-are you breaking up with me?" Jordan's voice broke as tears welled in her eyes.

My heart instantly broke.

"Yes, but-..."

Jordan instantly stood up as tears rolled down her cheeks. I stood up too, and she let out a sob.

"Why? Did I do something?" She asked me before adding,"I always screw up the best things in my life. Gosh, I'm such a disaster."

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