Season 3's Memorable Moments

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Zukio's Revival

Josh:Guys relax. I know it seems crazy but he's on our side now.
Zukio:That's right. I'm sorry for everything I've done.
Yuko:I forgive
Zukio:(Hugs back)

Zukio's Confession to Magilou

Magilou:Back then I didn't wanna fight you. I always hoped you'd come back a good person. That's why it broke my heart when Yuko had to kill you back then. And when I heard you were back I prayed you'd be a good person and when I heard you were I was so happy.(Sniffles and Cries)
Zukio:Magilou look at me.
Magilou:Hm? Z...Zukio.
Zukio:(Hugs Magilou) Magilou I...I...I love you.
Zukio:I really do I was so scared to tell you cuz I was scared you've never forgiven me for everything I've done back then.
Yuko:He confessed!
Magilou:(Hugs back) Z...Zukio...(Smiles while crying) I love you too. Zukio please look at me.
Zukio:Huh? M...Magilou?
Magilou:(Kisses Zukio)
Yuko:Oh my god finally!

The Family Protects Magilou

Josh:So what if she's dressed in those books like a skirt all the time?
Zukio:Grrr. So what if she's not beautiful in your eyes?
All:So what if she doesn't follow your rules!
Yuko:Unlike you we love Magilou! She's my best friend!
Josh:She's like my sister!
Kukai:And you don't have a hope of taking her back to the hell you put her through!

Magilou Asks to Fight Saiki

Magilou:Yuko please you musn't fight Saiki.
Yuko:But Magilou..
Magilou:Please just hear me out! I wanna be the one to fight him! I don't want him to kill you!
Kukai:What do you think Yuko?
Josh:Should we let her be the one to fight Saiki?
Yuko:Hmmm...Ok but you need training so I'm gonna be the one to train you until then.
Magilou:Thank you Yuko.

The Defeat of Saiki

Magilou:Heavenly Rasengan!


Magilou:(Panting) Guess that's it.

Zukio and Magilou's Wedding

Laphicet:You may kiss the bride.
Zukio and Magilou:(Kiss)

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