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You all get to Prague and get to the nice hotel.

"Woah, now this is a total upgrade." Flash says.

The class gets off the bus and grabs their luggage and goes into their rooms. You and Peter are in his room, talking about what he has to do.

"So I'm meeting Fury and Beck to talk about a plan to defeat this monster. And also to decide how to keep the class inside so they don't get killed, you know?"

"Yeah." you say sarcastically.

Peter grabs the case where his new suit is in.

"What's that?" you ask.

"A new suit. So that the class doesn't know it's me that's Spiderman and it's some European version of him."

You laugh. "It's cool. Well, I'm gonna go hang out with Betty and Mj. Be safe, okay? I don't want to plan your funeral." you start to walk towards the door as Peter laughs. You stop right before the door and think. You run back towards Peter and give him a little kiss on the cheek. He blushes and you walk out of his room.

Peter, Fury and Quentin are discussing a plan of what to do. After that, he finds out there's an opera and has Fury guide the class to go to that instead of the carnival.

"Okay, class, little switch up on the evening. We are going to the Opera instead of the carnival!"

The class moans and scoffs.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Mr. H insists.

You stare at Peter and he gives you a nod.

"Well I think this will be very fun!" you exclaim.

"Thank you, Y/n! See? Have the attitude of Abby!" Mr. H says.

The class then goes to the Opera and you and Peter stand at the doorway.

"Be safe, please. I mean it, Pete." you say.

"I know, Y/n. I will."

"What I said earlier, I wasn't joking. I don't want to plan your funeral."

"Y/n." Peter gives you a look.

"What? I'm serious, Parker. Be safe." you hug him.

"Thanks, Y/n. I'll meet you in your room later, okay?" he pulls away and smiles.

"Are you in position, Parker?" Fury asks over comms.

"On my way." he waves goodbye to you and goes to his position.

You stand at the doorway, staring into blankness. 'You know what? I'm just gonna follow him.' you think and run towards the carnival.

Peter is on a top of a building, waiting for the elemental to arrive.

"Do you see anything, Parker?" Fury asks over comms.

"Nope. Nothing yet."

You're walking around when the ground begins to shake and split with lava rising underneath it.

"I see something guys! Quentin, he's coming!" Peter notifies.

Soon after the Lava Elemental burst through the the ground and everyone runs away, screaming. You run to an alleyway and hide there, making sure Peter's safe.

Mysterio comes and starts using his powers to try and kill the monster. With the damage that the monster is doing, Peter uses his webs to keep metal away from him. Peter shoots one of his webs and it's catches on something. A little piece of metal lands right next to you and you pick it up and stuff it in your backpack. One of Peter's webs attaches to metal on top of a building that's being redone and it lands right on the monster. He then grows big enough that Quentin knows it's too late. He turns his head towards Peter with his helmet on.

"It's too late, Peter. I have to take all it's power."

"What? No, you can't do that! You'll die!"

"I'd rather die than have this world become mine." he presses a button on his wrist and he starts to take all of the Fire Elemental's power. It then explodes to air and Peter looks for Quentin's body. He finds him and runs over to him.

"Beck!" He sees Quentin breathing heavily. "Oh thank goodness, you're alive!" he exclaims, helping Beck up.

"Yeah." he looks around "We did it. Good job, kid." he nudges Peter's shoulder.


"I have an idea. Let's go to a bar. Follow me." Beck starts to walk away.

"I'm not under 21 though!" Peter replies.

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