Barbed Head

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It wasn't that much of a stretch of the imagination to say that Frank Sawit was a man who just oozed the stench of guilt.

Phoenix Wright could certainly tell he was guilty.

So could the 3 year old girl perched on his shoulder.

As the witness stood in the witness stand of the courtroom, shaking hands in a weird motion, Phoenix sighed to himself as he prepared to tear the man's testimony apart.

Frankly as far as Phoenix was concerned, the fact that there was a 3 year old on his shoulder in the first place was a cause for more concern than what he imagined to be the most straightforward trial he would ever face in his life.

Fact was, the only problem with the trial was the defendant, his rowdy and confused childhood friend who was constantly spouting nonsense. Literally everything else in the courtroom was practically tailored directly towards his favour. A beautiful and experienced mentor by his side, a spineless prosecutor who appeared to be ready to drop dead within the next hour, a witness that was painfully obviously going to lie to the court and a truckload of evidence that was almost perfectly engineered to allow him an automatic victory. If his life was a game, then clearly he stumbled into the tutorial on accident.

Though this new feeling of confidence and knowledge that surged through his body was also a small concern to him. As spineless as the prosecutor in front of him was, he could attest to being just as spineless a few hours ago. Frankly he wasn't even sure he was going to be Larry's attorney today considering the far more experienced Mia was available and willing to take his case.

Then again, a few hours ago, 30 pounds of adorableness wasn't basically attached to his shoulder. It was probably quite an odd sight for the judge, though as he was mistaken for her parent, it was nice to know that he had somehow unintentionally gained the judges favour... outside of the courtroom of course.

Phoenix smiled as the girl tightened her soft hands on his neck, repositioning herself as she sent a painfully adorable glare towards the witness.

The witness had already screwed up, and both of them had been quick to notice it. It was laughable. The time he had so much confidence in was nothing more than a lie, though from the confines of Phoenix's mind, he knew that it was so much more than that. It was a confession. A confession of guilt. With confidence in his hands and a graceful smirk on his face, Phoenix raised his arm as fast as he could and pointed.

Just as Phoenix never intended to adopt a 3 year old girl on the day of his courtroom debut, he never intended to completely and utterly dominate the prosecution as far as he did.

For a courtroom debut, a spikey-haired attorney with a cute child bearing a colorful vocabulary certainly shook the legal world.

Just as it did the actual world.


It was like any other day in my life after Barbed Head went back to the land he belongs in, leaving Horned Head in his wake to pick up the pieces he threw on the metaphorical chessboard that is the kingdom of Khura'in.

Our kingdom now roams in the revels of revolution as the dethronement of my false mother as well as the crippling of my true mother continues to spark change among the people. Our people continue to live lives similar to the distant past, yet so much in our society has been marked with the signs of change. Though the odd normality following the revolution doesn't surprise me a bit, we once had lawyers in the past a long time ago afterall, so it's no surprise that the reintroduction of them means little change to most members of our society. It has little impact on religion which is what most individuals care about as most individuals have no direct part in the heinous crimes committed in our lands by blackhearted fools, so for the most part, change has been gradual and isolated.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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