I see you

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Harry's POV
I wasn't really suprized when I sorted into Gryfindor considering both my parents where in that house, and left me a whole vault full of money for school.

Draco's POV
I was sitting bored at my table until I heard "Harry Potter" be yelled across the whole lunch room.

I looked up immediately  at the mention of his name thinking "Why is he so special??"

I was so lost in thought by his name and the fact that he's "The Boy Who Lived" that I got scared when I heard "Gryfindor" being yelled super loud across the whole cafetria.

I stare at him for a long time, much longer than I probably should have, and could feel my entire face heating up.

I decided it was best to look down and at least try and eat before it went away and I wouldn't be able to eat until the next day at breakfast time.

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