How the Heros found him...

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We have looked in to the disappearance of Denki Kaminari. And We have a lead, an undercover cop, going under the alis L. H.

This cop reports seeing Denki, with a ceo of a large company in the USA... And they sent video proof. We already got arrested the slave traders, now with a warrant We can see if this family has Denki.


(A/N: After seeing the abuse left on their son, Denki's parents sued the slavers, The Gates Family, and the Gates business as well....)

"Well, you are going away for a long time, from Denki's testimony," said All Might in his bulked form after Denki's captures and kidnappers, were found guilty...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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