Eleanor's little sister (Harry Styles / One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Beep Beep Beep .

I really dont want to get up today .

Today i have to get ready and do my hair nice and pretty and put my mask on . Since I've graduated high school i havent done anything but sleep eat and go to the gym .

My phone starts to ring snd I look at the caller id . Eleanor . She's probably calling to make sure that I go to her stupid dinner to meet her boyfirned . I already know who he is . He's Louis Tomlinson , a member of One Direction . Every time I go to the market I see pictures of my sister and him on a cover of different magazines with a new rumor . Last week she was pregnant with Harry's baby . That one made my day actually . For two reason , one Eleanor doesn't put out , and two she would never cheat .

My thoughts are erupted when my phone starts to go off , again .

"Ugh" I groan as I roll over to grab my phone .

"What" I answer .

"Well good morning to you to " My sister chirps loudly .

"Its eight in the morning" I say

"Well I'm just calling to make sure your still going " She states . I roll my eyes . She knows I'm going , she called last night .

"El . I'm going okay . I have to go now , I have to go buy a dress now . Bye "

"Ok bye Ashley but remember don't be late " she quickly says .

I hung up and get out of bed . I put on some yoga pants and an old high school sweat shirt . I slip on some vans and walk into my bath room. I wash my face ,brush my teeth and pull my hair into a bun .

I grab my purse and leave my little guest house . Ever since I was seventeen I've been living in the little guest house in my backyard . My parents were fine with it because there always at work .

I sigh as I open my front door and walk to my car . I slide in and put the keys in the engine . I pull out of my drive way and drive to the mall . As I drive I sing along to my Ed Sheeran cd .

"Everybody said well be together forever but I know that I never wanna settle down come around break up the love like a lego now " as I sang along I pulled into the mall parking lot . I parked and jumped out of my big black truck . I walked into the mall and walk over to the Starbucks I really need coffee right now .

"Hi welcome to Starbucks ! What can I get for you ? " the cheery blonde cashier asked .

" Can I get a venti cinnamon dolce latte with whip cream " I ask .

"Ya . We'll have that right up for you" I pay and grab my coffee and start going into stores .

I found a few dresses but I needed to try them on .

The first dressed I tried on had a white pencil skirt and a corral lace top to it . It was really pretty but not really my style . The second dress was a deep blue high-low with a black belt . I looked as big as the ocean so I decided against it . The third dress was perfect . I hugged my curves in all the right places . It was a gold glittery dress with one sleeve . It was a short dress . But it was perfect for this occasion .

Eleanor told me to dress casual formal because the restaurant Louis picked out was a fancy . Translation , they serve snails and the meals are very very small . Meaning that after I don't eat dinner with them , on the way home I'm picking up take out . I throw my clothes back on and go pay for the dress . I already have a pair of shoes that go with the dress . I go in a few stores and buy some things that I needed .

As I pulled up into my drive way I noticed a familiar red chevy . "Oh my god" I screamed to my self Jordan and Josh they're home . My two best friends . They we gone most the summer because they went on vacation in Hawaii . I parked my car grab my bags and ran into my house . As i opened the door to my house I saw Josh on my white couch watching some sports game but Jordan was not with him . I threw my bags on the floor by the door and ran over to josh and jumped over the back of the couch and landed on Josh .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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