One big step

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Today was the day the day izuku would become the person he always dreamed he would be. Looking on at the UA entrance over the sea of people he towered over there stood the doors to his dream.

"Hey izuku you just gonna stand there or are you going to come and take the test" an all to familiar voice called out as izuku could see bakugo standing directly in front of him. "Yeah yeah I'm coming" as the two walked towards the entrance izuku saw two familiar girls entering just before them 'huh wonder if I'll see them in the testing area' izuku pondered as he walked with bakugo.

However upon arrival to the hero course room he felt like all eyes were on him as once he sat down the whole room thundered thanks to his immense size and strength. But that noise was soon upscaled by the pro hero present mic simply entering the room to which he described the robots point system.

"Sir!" Echoed through the room waking izuku from his daydream to find the source of the noise and he found a small blue haired boy with glasses up from his chair and hand raised as if to ask a dumb and stupid question so he decided to go back to his daydream which was again interrupted by bakugo relentlessly shaking his massive biceps.

"What is it bakugo?" He asked in a low groggy voice.
He simply just pointed to the blue haired teen who had his finger raised directly at izuku "what?" Now all eyes were on him again.

"Pay attention to what the teacher is saying this coul" but before he finishes izuku asked "then why are you disrupting him with your idiotic questions?" The boy realised his mistake and sat down notably getting smaller to everyone except izuku.

From a far itsuka and yui watched realising what an impression izuku leaves on people and why half the students at itsukas family dojo left the moment he walked through the door. Because to all those who don't know him he is a mountain but in reality he is a huge nerd for heroes.

Upon completion of the written test (of which he scored the same as in the original) and present mics explanation they moved to the practical exam hall in which they were split up.

Despite the fact he towered over everyone except maybe a kid with multiple arms and a mask covering his face he could not see anyone he recognises. Sigh " guess I'm going to solo this exam" just at that moment he heard a the shutter doors open and the intercom screeched present mics voice as he counted down "3-2 I don't know why I'm counting down go go go"

Taking the opportunity the blue haired boy rushed out at max speed to get to the centre to get as many points as possible "I should rack up enough points doing this to pass" *THUD**THUD**THUD* he looked back only to see a Titan racing towards him, no the centre it was now a race to see who would get there first and collect the most points.

In the observation room 20 or so hero's looked on at multiple monitors displaying the exam room from every angle.

"Very interesting we have quite a few interesting quirks this year" a woman who what could only be described as a dominatrix outfit said in a smooth tone.

A man with a concrete body nodded "who will end up in the hero course that's the question" a large chimera esk creature giggled in response

"Yes who indeed any thoughts teachers" he turned to two men one with fangs that grew out his mouth and another who was asleep in a yellow sleeping bag and looked like he hadn't slept or bathed in weeks. Both however were seasoned veterans when it came to being a hero.

"Well either way we can expect a lot from them" the many with fangs stated in a gravelly voice folding his arms to stress the situation. The other hero's saw this and nodded in agreement.


Back in the exam arena the race had finished with the blue haired boy winning the race thanks to his head start but when it came to point and power izuku was in another league one swing from his colossal arm sent shockwaves through the streets sending robots flying. 'At this rate there won't be any robots left for anyone else' a few minutes left and nearly all robots in the arena were destroyed thanks to izuku.

But it was not over the ground shook this was the moment all the students were preparing for the zero pointer. Everyone screamed as the zero pointer moved forward toppling buildings in its wake and sending hurricanes forward every time it moved its arms. Everyone ran, well everyone except izuku that is he wanted to prove himself as the next number one hero.


The observation room was looking on in anticipation they saw that everyone had ran except this boy they had saw his race with the other kid but even he could not match the zero pointer in power could he. This was the question that they all pondered even someone they did not know was observing.


The monster made of metal barrels towards izuku but he didn't flinch. Instead he focused on every single ray of gamma radiation he could muster and absorbed it then he began to grow and grow. Until he was taller than the zero pointer and for the first time robots could feel emotions and this one felt fear.

Izuku winded back his arm and delivered a blow that rattled the sky and sent the zero pointer flying as if it was made of paper everyone in the stadium fell silent they just saw the making of the next number one hero.

"I want him" a tired voice spoke, the other hero's turned to see the hero who was asleep not a moment before up and eyes gleaming. The chimera smiled as he turned to the monitors one again seeing a resemblance to a hero famous through the world a smile lit across his face from excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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