Otrera Pt. 2

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Chapter 2: Well, Let's Hope I Don't Die 

"When the sun sets, be ready. The danger is coming. And above all, trust no one." These were the words Dad had said to me when two gorgons, specifically the immortal sisters of the famed Medusa, invaded my house and captured him. When I tried to rescue Dad, the gorgons somehow could sense me, or smell me. Just when the gorgons had nearly found my hiding place, Amaya, a strange girl I had never met before but was now my traveling partner, stepped in and somehow managed to scare off the gorgons. Amaya seemed like I was trying to help, but I'm not sure if I could fully trust her. Apparently, they were traveling to Camp Half-Blood, a safe place for demigods, or half-human half-god, or the child of a god and a mortal. This also came with the fact that Greek mythology was real, the Greek gods were real, all of the myths were real, and worst of all, all of the monsters were real.

The most surprising fact of all was that I am apparently a demigod. Amaya briefed me on some of the gods. I don't know which god is my mom, but being a god didn't excuse her for being a terrible mom, and never being there. It's like my mom said, "Here's your child. See you guys never again!" Dad didn't give me much of an answer either. In all of the twelve years of my life, whenever I brought up the topic of Mom, Dad suddenly went silent and avoided the conversation to the best of his ability. Amaya wasn't sure who my godly parent was, only that he isn't male. Amaya didn't say anything more about her past. That was okay with me, we had just met. If Amaya wanted to keep some things private, I was fine with it.

At first, I doubted if I was really a demigod, but as Amaya explained, "Demigods often have dyslexia and/or ADHD because their minds are hard-wired to read Ancient Greek so it's hard to read English, and they can't focus because their bodies are 'made' for combat." I only have dyslexia. "Also monsters go after demigods a lot because demigods are their natural prey, and because for some reason, monsters can smell demigods." That definitely explained how the gorgons found out where my hiding place was so quickly.

I looked up and saw red and pink streaks across the sky. That meant it was sunset already, and according to Dad if I trusted the wrong person, I would die. As I drifted into many gruesome thoughts about how I could die, I was yanked back to reality when Amaya called out, "Hey, slowpoke. Don't let me get too far away. We don't want either of us to get lost, because if we do, there is a high chance of that person dying." For the next hour, I was walking right next to Amaya's side, taking extreme care to not go too far ahead of behind. Anyone could tell that I was a little scared of death, but given what happened to me recently, who wouldn't be?

Another hour passed, and I's feet felt like they could not possibly walk another step and my backpack containing half of our supplies seemed heavier than ever. I sat down on the dirt, and told Amaya with heavy pants between my breaths, "Give me a minute, need rest."

"It's okay," Amaya replied, "We should set up camp and get some rest for the rest of the night. At dawn, we will continue our journey and if all goes well, we'll get to camp by tomorrow's end." Both of them rolled out two sleeping bags and Amaya set up a little campfire. Their dinner was a sad canned soup, but I was so hungry I didn't really care. Amaya got up and announced, "We will have to take turns guarding the other while they sleep. That way, no monsters will attack us in our sleep. I can go first, and when your turn comes you can have my spare celestial bronze knife. That way you will be able you will be armed and able to kill any monsters." With that thought, I laid down in my sleeping bag while Amaya pulled up a chair with her hand firmly grasping the hilt of her sword. With all the events that had happened, I thought I would never sleep, but as soon as my head touched the pillow, I was asleep.

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