Chapter 1: His Story

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The sun shone down on the calm waters as the wind brushed against his face. All he could hear was the steady purring of the S.S Anne as he saw his destination get closer and closer.

"I can't believe that after all this time, I'm finally returning home." He thought to himself.

It had been years since Red; the former champion, left the Kanto region in order to explore other lands and now he was finally going back to where it all began.

However, before he could get too nostalgic, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Excuse me sir?" A voice called out.

He looked over to see a sailor coming towards him "We'll be arriving in Vermillion City in 30 minutes!"

"Thank you!" He nodded and turned to his electrical partner on his shoulder "Well buddy are you ready to go home?"

His partner smiled and shouted his familiar "Pika!".

Sure enough, within 30 minutes the S.S Anne was docked in Vermillion City and Red found himself standing on a dock, looking at the land he had not seen in years.

Upon looking around his eyes caught sight of a tall gentlemen in a lab coat with a sign that said "RED" on it.

"You must be one of Oaks aides right?" Red asked the gentleman.

"Yes it's an honor to meet you Mr. Ex-champion" He replied.

Red chuckled at this, even though he hadn't truly been champion for years, people still referred to him as such. "Is it true that the pokemon I'm looking for are here in the region?"

"Yes, we have confirmation that they are in the area and the Professor said that he would like to give you all the information we have at the lab."

Red smiled "Just what I wanted to hear."

The aide motioned to the parking lot "I have transportation standing by that can take you to the lab."

Red shook his head "If it's alright, I'd like to take the old fashion way home on foot."

The aide smiled "The professor thought you'd might say that!" He then presented Red with a bag.

"Here's some potions and other supplies."

Red bowed "Thank you very much!"

The aide then got in his car "Take care!" He waved as he drove away.

So, without hesitation Red began his journey home to Pallet Town. But it wasn't long before the areas started to feel unfamiliar to him; what were once lush green fields were now busy suburbs. But, he kept proceeding until he reached the outskirts of the city.

" really has been a long time, so much as changed since I left that I barely recognize Vermillion." Red thought to himself.

He then spotted a nearby bench and decided it would be best if he took a minute to plan his route out.

As he pondered the best route, Red looked down to see Pikachu tugging on his leg.

"I know, I know, we'll go to Viridian and see Blue as soon as we can" Red assured pikachu as he took out his map.

"Let's see here...maybe it would be best if I take Route 6 instead of Diglettes Cave, it may be safer..." He thought to himself.

As Red happily continued to map out his route, little did he know, in the shadows, a figure was stalking him, waiting to strike!

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