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Lillian sat on her bed when she heard her mother calling her down.

"Yes mother?" Lillian said as she peeked her head around the corner looking into the kitchen.

Her mother was standing by the stove drying her hands on her apron. "Sweetie we need to talk. You are such a people pleaser! Why don't you try pleasuring you self some time?" Lillian looked at her mother and said.

"Ok, mom." And as Lillian walked away she heard her mother yell up to her.

"You don't always have to agree with people!" What's else am I supposed to say, no. You gotta pick your poison. Lillian told herself.

A few weeks later...

Lillian decided to give not pleading others a try. And here came an opportunity now.

"Hey, Lillian! I've been looking for you! Come to my pool party later on today!" It was Ira a classmate that used Lillian for popularity.

And Lillian could never say no. So she did now.

"No." Ira looked confused and took a step back.

"What did you say to me?!" Lillian looked Ira in the eye and repeated.

"I said, no." Then Lillian walked away. It felt good but the little copy of Lillian's mother inside her saying she was being rude.

Lillian, however ignored her. Bad idea.


"Lillian, Adrian, Maxwell! Come here this instant!" Lillian's mother yelled from the kitchen the moment she stepped through the door.

Lillian braced herself. "What, mom?" First mistake.

"That's yes, young lady." Mother paused a moment. Lillian could only think for dramatic effect. "Why in the world were you so mean to little Ira Wilson?!" Lillian new this was coming.

"I just said I didn't want to go." Lillian's mom,  Sana responded right away.

"Don't give me attitude young lady! And why would you not want to go? You two are peas in a pod!" Sana exclaimed.

"Well I haven't told you but Ira only liked me because of my popularity. She is actually quite rude to me."

"How can that be, she is such so angel around us!" The devil in disguise Lillian thought. "Either way you should try to get along if you are going to hang out with her brother. It would be rude, and you don't want to be rude? Now go clean your room it's dirty." Lillian walked away. So much for not people pleasing.

Lillian stepped up the stairs sighed and thought to herself, I need to pick my poison.


Hello this book is just a flood of emotions (normally written at night when I contemplate my existence.) written in story or poem or some kind of literature, form! So this is not consistent just for fun.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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