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David's POV

I groan waking up, rubbing my head full of red hair. I was cold... I sit up, yawning as I stretch my arms up above me, my eyes inching open fast. I realize I'm on a... concrete? No a stone floor. I get up brushing off my camp shirt and vest. Then resting my hands on my hips. I inhale, my eyes scanning the area; the room was small and yet empty, a small light dangling from the white ceiling and a white wooden door with a silver decorated knob. "I don't remember this being apart of the camp." I state to myself, raising a brow curiously as I started to wonder around in a circle. "Haha- Max is this some cruel prank?" I ask joking around, I wave my hand off with a sigh. I walk to the door, grabbing the knob and turning it. I slowly exit the room and close it.

To be met with a large dining room. "Woah!" I exclaim, my greenish blue eyes nearly shimmering as I stared at the huge diamond chandelier. "Oh how pretty" I say with a smile, my head tilted the slightlest. I walk to the table, sliding my hand across the soft white cloth. "Hello?? Is anyone here?!" I call glancing to one of four doors. Why was there so many doors? That's ridiculous.

"Why hello..." A voice says from behind. I jump letting out a yelp, my head jolting back to see who. "Oh. Daniel." I say nearly glaring. What a surprise, of course it'd be this murderer to have a weird white creepy fancy house place. "How dare you kidnap me from my camp! This is.. illegal, are you serio-" He cuts me off by putting a finger to my pink lips. "Shh~" With his head slanted he spoke.

"Oh, no no. Kidnap? I wouldn't call it that, David. I just wanted to... bond with the worlds greatest camp counsler" he stated a smile spread across his pale face. I push his hand away, blushing lightly. "Well... thank you... I mean I wouldn't say I'm THE best but- wait! You said that to distract me from the original situation! I would like to go home. Now please." I say pointing my finger down in annoyance.

He chuckles, "David...do those pest really appreciate you? Just look at the tiny.. what was his name? With the blue hoodie?? The smart one?" How dare he not remember Maxwell's name?? How rude.

I frown slightly. "Well his name is Max. And they do appreciate me. Very much too!", I fold my arms to my chest and look away. He started walking around me like a shark and it's bait. "Really David... think about it, they really just hate you. Each and every one of them. You're such a disappointment and such a klutz. What a fail of a counselor. Every single day, those children are caught up in trouble...so tell me Davey, Do those kids really appreciate you?" He said, each word slowly crawling out his mouth. He said it as if it was true. He came to a hault behind me and slid his arms around my neck.

I look down, my feet planted. Maybe he was right? I do mess up a lot. I'm the biggest klutz I know. Someone is always in trouble at camp. But at the end of the day everyone is fine, right? Or maybe not... My breathing started to fasten. My eyes growing watery. I watched as the tears started to drop on the floor.

"You know... Xemüg would love someone as hard working as you, even if you are a klutz" He whispered, I couldn't see it but I knew. He had that stupid grin on his face. He brought his left hand up to wipe my cheek but I slapped it and pulled away from him. "Let me go, now. I do not want to be here! I'll.. I'll call the sheriff!" I threaten... when that really wouldn't do anything. I didn't even have a phone at the moment.

The blonde looked at me, his face resting. "That wasn't very nice", I swallow wiping my eyes with my wrist. I feel hands on my shoulders within seconds and I'm slammed to the wall. I flinch, I pull my hands from my face. I'm faced to Daniel in front of me. He had pinned me to the snow white wall. He lifted my chin and pouted a little. "Awh, So sinful. Must we cleanse you, David?" he asked a smirk creeping onto his face.

"No." I say simply in hope he'd leave me be. Though it backfired, I felt his... soft... peach lips connect to mine, closing the gap within our faces. My  eyes going wide. The tears from before still stained onto my skin. I didn't kiss back, my hands going onto he chest to push him away, but he squeezed my cheeks tightly with one of his hands. Causing me to open my mouth for him. He roughly slid his tongue into my mouth, my eyebrows go down and my cheeks go red... I shove my hands forward, though barely since he had me pinned good. It's not like I had any other choice. Though I'd hate to admit his lips tasted sweet, like fresh honey taken from a hive in spring. I slowly give in my eyes beginning to flutter shut, my arms then slipping around his neck.

He pulled his away as soon as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I open my eyes in confusion. "It was just going to be a small passionate kiss it wasn't going to last long, but I see you would like more?" He questioned. I quickly look away, flustered. What the hell am I doing-? This man tried to kill my campers! Better yet he locked me up and threatened my little Maxie! "I would prefer an answer now.." he continued... "R-right... I..." I exhale, pulling away and slipping underneath his arms.

Taking his arms off the wall he looked to me. I nervously chuckle. "So... is there any.. real way for me to leave? I cannot just leave my camp with Gwen and the Quartermaster they'll meed help-" I said, dodging the dumb question he had. He shook his head. "You will not leave until you join Xemüng's lovely cult" he says. I glare. "Alright! Fine. Then.. then I'll break your chandelier!" I once again threaten something impossible at the moment I couldn't even reach it... even if I had a chair.

He covered his mouth with the back of his hand letting out another laugh. I strongly disliked how he was enjoying my statements... in the wrong way since he obviously found them quite stupid. "It's not funny."

He laughs again, finding me trying to play it serious as something fun. I swear I felt my eye twitch . "Oh David, come find me when you actually decide to join. Dinner is red wine, herbal bread, steak and any sauce of your choosing. I would recommend our specialty, white sauce. Goodbye" He said with a wink then exiting the room from a door. I rush to it about to open it but it was locked. I slowly slide down it and sit down. It looks... like I'll be here for awhile until I do finally give in to this... cult stuff.

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