How Love Grows

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This is a fictional work written by this human, me.

The names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either made up or used in a fictitious manner by the author. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or real events is entirely coincidental.

Expect typographical errors, grammatical errors, and misspelled words in this story because it was not edited.

This story is not available in any digital form that I am aware of. I am not a professional writer, so please be patient if I state something incorrectly. Each day brings a new lesson for me.

If you have any questions concerning my story, don't be afraid to dm me. It will be much valued.

Do not anticipate daily updates from me 'cause I have a lot on my plate. I'll give you an update if I have time.

This story is not everyone's cup of tea. You can skip ahead to the end of the story. I'm not forcing anyone to come here.

Respect the story just as much as you respect me.

Please remember to show kindness to every you come in contact with, whether they are strangers, your families, or even your friends. If they have caused you so much pain, please learn to forgive them and stop venting your anger at them. It takes time, just trust your process. You know, when it comes to waging a war on humanity, kindness is the most potent weapon.


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