Miss Independent

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(My boy Striker doesn't have enough fanfic, so I might as well attempt to fix that. I hope all of my fellow Striker simps enjoy this lmao)
You woke up to the sound of bacon sizzling on the griddle, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. You sat up with a grunt and a big stretch before stumbling out of bed and getting dressed for the day. You walked into your bathroom to brush your (h/l) (h/c) hair, then braiding it to keep your hair from interfering with your work. After brushing your teeth, you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were a fairly tall imp, taller than most. You had white spots here and there. Those were scars from mostly working, but some from careless injuries. You moved closer to the mirror to observe your (e/c) eyes, then basically just making faces at yourself. After finishing up in the bathroom, you threw on a pair of tattered jeans and a plain (f/c) t-shirt. You never knew what would happen on the farm, so you slipped your old revolver into your pocket. It's a habit. All of your clothes were washed and clean, but stained with months of hard work and effort which is rewarded with a loving family that provides a roof over your head, home cooked meals, and a damn good weekly pay.
"Well good mornin' sunshine!" you heard the mother of the house, Lin, call out to you as you hurried down the stairs. "Good mornin' Lin!" you cheerfully greeted back as you put a few strips of bacon onto a plate, along with a mug of coffee. "Where's Joe?" you asked while splashing some vanilla creamer into your mug. Joe is the father of the house, the boss man, and Lin's husband. "Oh! Don't you remember? He's helpin' our new farmhand get his stuff moved in upstairs. They'll be back shortly". You gasped with a mouthful of coffee, which then went down the wrong pipe. After regaining your composure after a few seconds of choking, you simply said,

"....Oh.... fuck"

Lin chuckled. "Calm yourself sugar. I know you've been workin' the farm alone for almost a full year, but we think you need a break from havin' to do everything yourself. I'm sure you and your new partner will get along great". You sighed in defeat. Maybe this new farmhand won't be so bad after all. After sipping up the rest of your coffee, not choking this time, you got up from the table. "Breakfast was good Lin, thank you!" you said with a soft smile, putting your plate and mug into the sink before Lin starts her housework. "You're so welcome sugar!" she replied. You crept your way to the front door and grabbed your (f/c) jacket and your (f/c) cowboy hat, and walked out to start the day after slipping on your (f/c) steel toe boots. You were determined to get everything done in a hurry before this guy comes to stay.

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