First Question.

25 6 3

Anon walks downstairs from just waking up, he stretches and yawns. He Grabs some Toast and Nutella and spreads it on sloppily. He then turns around seeing a note on the table. Anon then grabs it and reads.

Question: if PewDiePie was a girl. Would you date her? Also what would be the perfect date for you and female pewds?

From: _RuntsOfToxic_

After reading Anons face was beeming with red,

Anon: well um, I'm only gonna answer this because the girls aren't here and if they were they would be laughing at me. But to answer your question, if pewds was a girl she would be fabulous and everything I wanted so yeah I'll date female pewds. And the perfect date would be. Laying on the grass watching the stars holding hand in hand. So yeah it sounds cheesy as hell but I think its a pretty good date. Thank god the girls aren't here to see this, I would die.

-meanwhile three random girls were video tapeing the hole thing. Laughing on the floor of the humor-

Claire: h-hey! I thought it was s-sweet! Stop laughing!

Amber: hahahaaa! *holding stomach* yeah, sweet comedy gold! I'm totally gonna put this on YouTube! *still laughing*

Cosmic: ha! I can't wait to see it over and over and over! This is a memory I won't forget! Pshhh hahaha!

Bailey: you guys are asshats.

*everyone looks at bailey*

Bailey: *smiles big* said no one ever! *starts laughing and cosmic and amber joins in*

Claire: *sighs* well I guess that's all bye guys! *waves*

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