Why every time this happens

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(Okay so reader discrimination is advised saying this in advance don't come at me . . . Yep I got this man again why dose this happen? Idk. Do I care? A tiny bit. Why? Because its this man who would not be worried?!)

Okay I was taking a different route home this time so I was passing through a bridge to get home and again I'm feeling eyes on me and keep moving to not draw attention to myself

(Yes i strategize shit when i am walking and feel threatened . . . am i the only one?)

I keep walking and now
. . .

"Hi there"

Yep you know I get FUCKING jumped and nearly FUCKED?!

I turn around to respond

"Do you need something?"
Again why dose this always happen
Like i fucking know?! Im just trying to figure out how to control what is happening?

"Well doll i kinda do~"
I kinda just want to run tbh
Then run?!

"Oh that's sad to hear i have to be going though"
Yes please get away from the scrawny IMP

"Aw come on it ain't safe anyways maybe I could walk you~"
He walks over to me and stops a foot away
Nope nope nope nope nope not happing run!

"Im sorry I don't really-"

"I said come on"
And he grabbed my backpack trying to drag me
So i do the only sensible thing that i could make happen
. . .

Stab and run
So I ran and ran till I eventually lost the bastard yes I lost my bag like in every dream
. . .

I come to a stumbling stop bye a park nearly tripping but someone grabs me and I find someone I did not expect

"Little dove?"

"I really need to stop running into you like this"
Why do I always end up having him help me I feel annoying

"Like what?"

He stands me up and looks me over to im going to hope check if i am fine?

"Where is your backpack don't you get off school around this time?"
Have i really had him help me so much he knows my schedule?!

I mumble my first response of "its probably in a ditch or in the river ill get it back anyways" and change it to

"I left it at school didn't have any homework why cary it"

"You know your bad at lying dove?"
Guess he hurd me? Maybe saw through it to i do get that a lot

"That easy to tell?"

"Yes and would I be walking you again his night?"
Better than getting jumped or worse again

"I don't see why not"

"Before I do are you going to be stabbing me with that as well or?"
How the hell dose someone forget they stabbed a person!?!?

My Creepypasta DreamsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon