golden cow (dreamXD)

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A cold hand lifts my chin to look up at an empty mask. Etched with an 'x' and split to reveal a single piercing green eye. I wanted to fight back, to relent the gaze that tore through me, but I couldn't.

Anything I wanted was too tempting an offer.

"You promise me forever?" the bag on my back weighted heavily with its contents, those of unspeakable riches. His vice grip on my heart didn't stutter as his voice crackled, his touch insistent on possession. My fingers absently began rubbing the hilt of my newly acquired sword, noticing how it felt jagged where I knew it to be visibly smooth, like a lasting scar from it being torn from the rips of this world.

"Yes," a sealed contract "forever." the finality of an opening wound. I shuddered with the world as he pushed his hand to caress my face, the motion made the hairs on my arms stand up, his touch akin to that of the cool press of the end of a gun. I was pulled to him as the planets are pulled to the sun, his power intoxicating. "But how will I last? I will rot before you even think about ceasing to exist" he leaned impossibly close to my face.

"What I cherish I keep." His static voice whispered into my waiting ear. "You will be my golden cattle and I will be your Helios, though I have no reason but my own to protect you, to keep you." His words sent shivers down my spine as he finally pulled away from my rigid body.


Ghostbur gave a weak smile after he finished his song, anxiously continuing to pluck the strings. I reminisce at the soft tone of his voice, the way it reminded me of the butterflies that use to beat my stomach. I clapped as the people around me followed suit. I noticed their hesitance, their fearful distance, but I tried not to let it keep me. They were scared of my power, the biting cold that followed my words. As the crowd dispersed I walked up to the star, eager to praise him.

"You never lost your talent, even in death." I smiled at him as he slowly strummed the battered guitar, its strings uncut and wild at it's head and its bridge slightly crooked. The sight sent a pang to my heart, specifically the black nail polish I knew to be that of my own. A mark of Wilbur and I's past.

"Thank you, y/n." his face flushing a pale blue as he began to kick the dirt on the ground "I've been meaning to ask you about how you were with Wilbur. I'm trying to piece together the more positive parts of him. I don't want to see myself just as a man who hurt others I guess." He gave an innocent smile as he looked up to my own surprised expression. I swallowed as his words hung in the air. I hadn't been ready to face that part of my past. I had been pulled away from it by my present.

"We,,, We had been in-" I felt my body turn cold as an unnatural sound of rushing air filled my ears. X.

"Do not waste your time with, Apollo." He firmly gripped my shoulder from behind as I watch Ghostbur's eyes widen before he quickly scurried away.

"X, he didn't-" he pulled my frame closer to him as watched Ghostbur flea.

"Doesn't matter, I don't know why I let you wander around here anyway. You could come home." I shuddered at the proposition, feeling his gaze. The End was a terrifying and unforgiving place in my head, somewhere I couldn't stand to be chained to. I didn't need my day to day to be as cold as my lover, no matter how much I learned to cherish him.

"I would miss the sun, my love." I closed my eyes soaking up the way the rays currently warmed a side of my face.

"You would have me." X pressed.

"You are my moon. You may be cold, but you make the tides come in, and you pull me home and swallow me whole." His mask hid any emotion he had towards my words, his body language just as stoic and unreadable.

"Then who is your sun?" 

j'adore (mcyt x reader oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя