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'it's the first kiss 
it's flawless, 
really something,
it's fearless'

Taylor comes out of her large, walk in closet, and looks over herself in the mirror. It takes her two seconds, before she shakes her head and disappears back inside of it. She doesn't understand why she's having such a big problem trying to find an appropriate outfit to wear. It's not like she's never been out to dinner with Karlie before, and it's definitely not like Karlie's only seen her wear perfect, expensive looking dresses before. Her most recent first impression of Taylor was of her wearing jeans and a shirt to drop off Skylar at school.

"What's wrong with that one?" Cara calls after her.

"The cut of the neckline is all wrong!" Taylor replies. "It doesn't look like I'm going out to dinner with a friend!"

Cara rolls her eyes. "Do you have anything black?"

"Yeah, like half my closet," Taylor calls back. "Why?"

"Try something black and strapless," Cara says.

Taylor shrugs, scanning over the dresses that hang in her closet for one that meets Cara's requirements. She finds one, a dress that she had practically no idea that she owned before she found it just now, but decides to try it on. Maybe it'll be okay.

Taylor comes back out of the closet and turns around in the mirror to get a better glimpse of herself from all angles. Cara nods approvingly. "It looks amazing on you," she says.

"You think so?" Taylor asks.

Cara nods. "Yep. But it's not my opinion that really matters, is it?" she asks.

Taylor slaps her friend's arm. "Shut up."

"Oh, that's right," Cara says. "I forgot that when you go out to dinner as two friends, no one but you is going to care how sexy you look." She pauses, not long enough for Taylor to jump in with her own comeback, but long enough to let her words sink in. "Maybe you should just wear a trash bag."

"Please," Kendall says, coming in with both Skylar and Harlow at her heel. "Taylor could wear a trash bag to dinner and still manage to pull it off."

"I would never wear a trash bag," Taylor says. "Do you know how bad it would be if the paparazzi got word of that?"

"I'd pity Tree," Cara says, emitting a laugh from all three of the adults.

"You look pretty, Auntie Taylor," Harlow says.

"Yeah, Mommy, you look so beautiful," Skylar adds.

"Thank you, girls," Taylor responds.

"But it's all because of my amazing fashion taste, right?" Cara replies.

"Oh, I don't know..." Taylor teases. "These genes that Skylar inherited can't be going to waste, either."

"Fine, you win," Cara replies. "But yes, you do look great."

"Thanks," Taylor replies, the back of her neck heating up.

"Just try to have fun tonight," Kendall advises. "It's not something that you've done since, and we all know that, but try not to compare Karlie to her."

"For goodness sake, Kendall, it's not a date!" Taylor defends.

"You say that now," Cara mutters under her breath.

"I hate both of you," Taylor says.

"Aww, we love you too, Tay," Cara replies.

Taylor dodges back into her closet to grab a pair of black high heels. She examined the condition that they were in, and realized that she hasn't worn them since before Skylar was born. After fretting slightly about not being able to fit her feet into them anymore, she was able to realize that no, her foot size hasn't changed significantly since 2013, and she was still able to wear the heels comfortably.

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