Plaything? - 10

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"I'll come back here after two weeks."

"Was I your plaything?" Jimin's face now vexed.

"What? How, how did you even think that?" Yoongi shrugs.

"I asked was I your plaything? Yes or no?". Jimin's face irked, eyes glossy, voice quivering, and breath hitched.

"I love you Jiminah. Don't ever think you were a plaything." Yoongi's face stone cold.

"This can't be you. The real you would never do this!" Jimin pauses and clears his throat.
You never loved me. All lies. Four years? How could you? There's still time. Think about it Yoongi. We cannot throw it all away" Jimin darts his eyes on Yoongi. His lips trembling and he lets his tears pool down his cheeks and settle at the tip of his shuddering chin.

Yoongi reaches out his hand onto Jimin's knee once again and this time Jimin lets him. Jimin's tear drops onto Yoongi's sleeve.

"I love you Jimin but this had to end sooner or later".

"Don't touch me. Take your things and leave." Jimin's voice hoarse, lips swollen but tears seemed to have stopped pooling down.

"Look at me."

"Will you stay if I look at you?" Jimin stops fidgeting his feet.

"Don't be childish Jimin. I have to leave I cannot keep delaying it"

"So you knew all this. All of this. How long did you know? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Jimin pauses and stands up walking back at the kitchen counter facing Yoongi. "How did you sleep with me knowing you'll end up abandoning me?" Jimin's seething resentment finally reached what seemed the peak.

Seraphic // Yoonmin Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt