black iris

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I don't want you to know
cause I guess, you do care
I'll never know how
or I'm just not being fair

cause I want you to know I'm not broken
I just state the way, though I'm right
and all the doubts I had awoken
causing me to take flight

but why would you understand
why I take these drugs in my hand
why I pretend to live or feel
when cryin' on the floor I kneel

I wanted to be, or maybe not
logic poising all heart
won't try to take I ain't got
aging killing all art

and I don't want you to know I don't love you
all I said was a lie
cause I don't want to plan alone through
the beauty and hate when I die

all this might not be your fault
regardless what you've been told
nature not dare stoping me
can't have serendipity

I don't give a fuck
there was never a we
don't want to search luck
I know my elegy

don't know but don't want to learn
can't have what I for yearn

and so I take these drugs and knife
and kill me just to feel alive

finally feel the blood hot
cocaine last thing that's desirous
when I took the final shot
death dark as now black iris

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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