Tempting massages

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"Mr. Khun~! I can't get up... Pick me up."

At this point in life, Khun has learned he has to check on his best friend every day, after Bam is finished with his daily training session. Bam has always been reckless when training or fighting, that is nothing new, but adding Evankhell into the mix, who is a master on a whole new level of brutality, made things even worse. So, Khun has made checking on Bam an essential part of his routine. Right now, Bam is sitting on the floor by himself, looking totally wrecked: his entire body is covered with little cuts and bruises, his little ponytail is a mess, and his breath is harsh and labored, but he still manages to smile tiredly at Khun when he enters the room. And he just stares silently at Bam, waiting for that little magic word he knows is coming soon enough, and it will be in a tone he knows he won't be able to refuse.


How can he resist that cute pleading? He lets out a long sigh, cursing the evident fact that Bam is his eternal weak spot, and then kneels down in front of his friend. "Here, I'll get you on the lighthouse."

"Nooo~" Bam shakes his head energetically, although he seems a little dizzy when he stops, and Khun unconsciously massages the side of Bam's head, trying to relieve the discomfort. "I want you to carry me on your arms." His voice sounds so sweet, and Khun doesn't need anything else to obey that request.

"Sure, no problem."

So Khun picks him up bridal style, as he knows Bam likes to be held, and carries him through the hallways back into the room they share with Rak, where he will provide his everyday aftercare, though he thinks he will need to give Bam full service today. No one says anything when they cross paths with their other comrades. Maybe everyone is too used to scenes like this one, or it's just that they won't make any snarky comments because they know Khun would kill them if they do. Whichever the case, the irony is, the only one who is not completely used to this is Khun, actually.

"...Am I too heavy?" asks Bam tiredly, and Khun can't help smiling tenderly at his cute sleepy face. An unusual expression for him, which he knows he doesn't show to anyone else but Bam. Well, no one inspires tenderness in him as Bam does, so no one else deserves to be looked upon like this by Khun.

"You have grown taller and more muscular, but you are still fairly slender, Bam. Also, I'm part of the Ten Families: I'm stronger than how I look." Bam smiles again and hides his face on the curvature between Khun's neck and shoulder, whispering something like Mr. Khun is so cool that makes Khun's heart beat faster, even though he doesn't let it show on his facial expression, as always. Like being so near Bam wasn't enough cause of struggle for his lovesick mind.

Shaking those thoughts aside, Khun enters their shared room and carefully lets Bam down on his bed. He is glad his baby, as he likes to mentally call Bam, is breathing evenly now. He wouldn't say it out loud, of course, it would sound weird and he can't risk scaring Bam with his inappropriate affections. So instead, he settles with his every day question: "Ok, where does it hurt?"

Bam wiggles a little over the sheets, uncomfortably. "All over. I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I didn't feel anything when I was still training, but when I stopped and Master Evankhell left, suddenly my body weighted too much to move."

Upon hearing those words, Khun sighs again (he really does this a lot) and helps Bam sit up on the bed. As always, Bam cooperates immediately, although he hisses in muscle pain. "I know I always tell you the same thing, but you are too reckless, Bam. You don't need to train so hard every day. Remember you are the strongest among us."

Bam lifts his arms and Khun pulls off his workout white t-shirt. It's covered in sweat, but Khun doesn't mind at all. It's his Bam, after all. "But I need to. I don't want to lose anybody ever again. I need to become even stronger. I don't want..." Some tears accumulate in Bam's caramel eyes, but he doesn't let them fall, and the sight makes Khun's heart ache. He firmly takes Bam's shaking hands between his, giving them support. "My master... you almost dying... I don't want that to happen ever again."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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