Part 12: Hot Coffee

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(F/B/F)= Favorite breakfast food

Y/n's Pov:

I open up the menu and start looking at the choices. All of it looks Delicious. I'm extremely hungry after last nights events. In the end I settle on some (F/B/F) to go with my coffee. I set the menu down and look over at Chloe as she was also scanning the paper. A jukebox in the corner was playing a weak tune. It must be really old and worn out. I look back at Chloe once more. Shes looking very indecisive, I probably shouldn't bother her while shes thinking. I look outside the window and watch the cars drive by while laying my head in my hand. My eyes start to get heavy, that coffee cant come soon enough. I turn my head to look back into the restaurant. As I do, I see a man walking by. As he goes to leave a dark stained rag falls out of his back pocket and lands on the floor. He leaves without noticing. A couple minutes later I see Joyce putting our drinks on a tray, ready to bring them to us. Suddenly however, Im hit with another premonition. Like what happened at the junk yard. Joyce is bringing our drinks over and she doesn't notice the rag on the floor. She steps on it, whatever substance is on it causes her to slip and fall. The glass mugs and coffee pitcher shatter on contact with the ground. Worse of all however is the fact that a great deal of the hot coffee coated Joyce's right arm and hand. The coffee being hot enough to leave bad burns on the areas where it had landed. The waitress lets out a blood curdling scream of pure agony as the pain sets in. The vision then ends leaving you with another massive headache and you can see Joyce on her way to you. She is about to step on the rag before you quickly shout.

Y/n: "Hey look out!"

Joyce stops and looks at you in confusion.

Joyce: "Whats wrong y/n?" 

Y/n: "There's a rag on the floor with some sort of liquid on it. If you stepped on it you could have slipped and fell." She looks down and notices the rag.

Joyce: "Oh my, well thanks for the heads up. That could've been dangerous." She says as she steps around the rag and sets down the tray. Chloe had been watching since you shouted, she smiled softly. Then she speaks after Joyce poured your drinks, picked up the rag, and left back to the kitchen.

Chloe: "Wow, looks like you're shaping up to be quite a hero. Wait are you alright? Your nose is bleeding again." You bring two fingers to the area between your nose and your mouth. When you pull your fingers away you can see a coat of blood on the tips of your fingers. Quickly you grab some of the napkins from the table and use them to clean yourself and massage your forehead.

Y/n: "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Chloe: "You sure dude? I just wanna make sure you aren't having a stroke or some shit. Headaches and nosebleeds normally are not good things."

Y/n: "Maybe I'll get it looked at later, but I'm pretty sure I'm fine."

Chloe: "Okay, if you say so." 

The headache subsides and you go to take a sip of your hot coffee.

Hey guys, I'm back again. Sorry for the long wait but I just didn't have much motivation to write. The last few months especially have been pretty rough. However I saw that this story has almost 2 THOUSAND READS! That absolutely blew me away and I want to thank you all. I tend to doubt my writing abilities but seeing that so many of you have stopped by has made me feel proud of myself, and made me feel as though I've accomplished something good. So honestly, thank you for reading my story and I hope you stick around to see what happens next. And as always I hope you enjoyed, I'm signing off.

"You are worth any Price." Chloe Price x male reader. Life is strange fan fic.Where stories live. Discover now