Bench Trio Exile AU (DreamSMP AU)

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Bench Trio - DSMP AU

"Tubbo! Ranboo!" Tommy called. "I'm back!"

Tubbo's head snapped up from where he was reviewing the battle plans spread over his desk. Ranboo slowly looked up, but when he saw Tommy standing in the doorway, he ran forward, a huge smile on his face.

"Tommy!" They both screamed, hugging him so tight he couldn't breathe. Tommy hugged them back, smiles on all their faces.

"You've been gone three hours, what was the hold up?" Tubbo asked, leading Tommy over to the small sofa positioned in the corner of the room.

"Oh..." Tommy bit his lip. He knew he was only meant to be gone two hours, but he was visiting someone. "Visiting Philza. He gave me some food, too." Tommy slid his backpack off his shoulders and opened it, pulling out a stack of raw chicken, half a stack of potatoes, and ten golden apples. Tubbo's face lit up, now glad Tommy had been held up visiting Phil. He shouldn't've, but now they had food to last two more months if they portioned it correctly.

"Awesome. No worries about the hold up." Ranboo said, rather happy at the sight of food, then his gaze fell on the golden apples. "God, I know those aren't too hard to make, but jeez, that's nice."

Tubbo nodded in agreement, then looked at Tommy, questioning.

"He said he wanted us to be safe." The blonde-haired boy said, pulling out some sand, gunpowder, diamonds, and wood, putting them away in a chest. Tommy looked back at his two best friends, an Enderman-??? Hybrid and a Bee-lover boy and smiled. "And I guess we are."

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo had been exiled from everywhere, because of an incident where Tommy and Tubbo accidentally triggered Ranboo's enderwalk state, who unknowingly froze everyone. The leaders of the countries decided to exile them, a peaceful action now that Dream was in prison. The exile only meant they could come see family and friends once a year, for a week, and they could trade then too. But they weren't allowed in any other day. The exile had changed so much since the server's main villain, Dream, was locked up, and no-one could visit him very much. (Somehow George managed to surpass that rule and visited him twice a month...)

In the house of the Bench Trio, Tubbo was asleep on the top bunk of the bunk bed he was sharing with Ranboo, who was on the bottom. Tommy was on the top bunk of another bunk bed, but instead of a bottom bunk, there was a desk underneath, with they used for crafting, chemistry, and reading. But they all had individual, special activities they would do there. Tubbo also used it for nukes, but he never blew the house up. He had recently figured out a recipe for nukes, that didn't do any damage to anything except humans, leading to Tommy and Ranboo thinking he was a genius. Tommy used the desk for painting, which he was rather good at, while Ranboo used it for writing in his journal, or writing a book.

But there was a crib in the corner of the room, where Michael slept. He was a rather peaceful sleeper, which Tubbo knew better than anyone. He got out of bed, having just woken up. He headed to the kitchen, where he saw Ranboo.

"Hey, Ranboo." Tubbo yawned sleepily.

"Hey, Tubbo." Ranboo whispered, trying not to wake up Tommy and Michael. Tubbo glanced at the clock, Ranboo following his gaze to see that it was 4:37 in the morning, pretty early. But neither of them felt like going back to sleep, so they cuddled up on the couch with a blanket, Ranboo writing in enderlanguage in his journal, while Tubbo read a book.

"Oh, come on. No fair." The sound of a very familiar voice floated from the doorway. Tubbo looked up to see Tommy and Michael standing in the doorway, and lifted the blanket, inviting them to come and cuddle too. Tommy plopped down next to Tubbo, with Michael wriggling in between Ranboo and Tubbo.

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