Preference: He finds your old fanfics about him

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Dan: You were sat on one end of the sofa reading a book while Dan was on the other end scrolling through Tumblr, laughing every now and again. “What are you laughing about over there?” you asked curiously. “Oh, nothing,” he teased. Suspicious, you leaned over so you could see his screen. He was on your fanfic blog from about four years ago. “No!” you exclaimed and shut the laptop. He laughed some more. “I’ve already read a couple of them,” he started while opening his laptop again. “They’re pretty good actually. A minus.” “Oh god,” you groaned as you hid your face in a pillow.

Phil: “So you want to have hot sex with me in a tent while our friends are sleeping in a tent next to us?” Phil had asked, looking up from his computer. You were taken aback by his question. “Excuse me?” But your reddening face made it clear that you had heard him the first time and knew where he got that idea from. He had somehow found a fic that you had written a while ago. Phil kept looking at you with a raised brow. “Shut up,” you muttered as you hid your face in your arms. He leaned over to you and whispered, “I never said I was opposed to the idea” as if your face wasn’t red enough already.

Dan and Phil ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora