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masteredInstinct started trolling theoreticalSymphonies.

TS:What is it?
MI: help më
MI: my lusus neèds me to go outside.
TS: Lusus?
MI: like youûr humañ pareñtß.
MI: i ãm deepły inveśted in â gamê of Súper Troĺĺ Smash Br9s.
TS: Just pause the game.
MI: my "möm"(whát đoeß thať meán) will drág me ôut the 4oom and. 8m ín a ťournament!!
TS: Did you get the package?
TS: Just use it!
MI: whÿ dïd yôu send me a kńit cłoak?
TS: It is foolproof to make you invisible.
MI: how did you ëven mak è this?!
TS: I have my ways.
TS: Now put on the cloak. Teleportation guns aren't exactly easy to obtain.
MI: wöw i am in viśible!
TS: See?
MI: welł no im învißble.
TS: *facepalm x2 combo*
MI: :?
theoreticalSymphonies has left the conversation.

MI: shįt.

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