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When they get to the hospital, Lindsey is rushed to emergency surgery. Stevie is given a once over, and she gets stitches on her scalp where she had been struck over the head by something. She answers all the questions the police ask her until she's exhausted.

When she wakes up, her parents and brother, along with Sharon, Lori and Robin are all pacing her room anxiously.

"Lindsey?" She croaks out, attempting to sit up.

"Teedee, oh my God," Barbara cries, throwing her arms around Stevie.

"Mama, where's Lindsey?"

Robin shoots a look to Jess, and he nods.

"Stevie," Robin says, taking her hand.

"What is it?" She asks, trying to swallow past the lump in her throat.

"He had surgery to remove the bullet and fix what was damaged. He hasn't woken up yet."

"Can I see him?"

"Honey, that's not a good idea right now. They don't want anyone to see him before the police question him."

"Why do they need to question him? They were there! And if they were doing their jobs right, he wouldn't have been fucking shot!"

"Steph, calm down," Jess says, sitting beside his daughter's bed in one of the hard plastic hospital chairs.

"Daddy, he was shot!"

"Honey, I know! But please, you need to stay calm. Alright? It's not good for you to be this worked up."

Stevie huffs and rakes a hand through her hair, which she had finally gotten to wash. She winces as she grazes over her stitches.

When she's calmed down a little, she recounts the story to her friends and family. She doesn't remember much, he'd kept her pretty drugged up. She remembers him and one other man getting her into their car outside the studio, and she remembers the room she was in and being able to get to the phone. After they'd found out about her phone call, they'd kept her knocked out until the afternoon before they drug her out to the campgrounds.

Feigning fatigue, she convinces everyone except Robin to go get some rest.

"What happened to Lindsey? I've never seen him like that before," Stevie says.

"He was scared shitless, Stevie. We all feared the worst, but he was taking it so hard. He fell completely apart. I mean, he didn't eat, he hardly left your room. He listened to your demos on replay and looked through all your pictures. He even started wearing the ring necklace. When he got the call about getting you back, I swear to God I've never seen a man so relieved."

"God," Stevie sobs. "I'm glad I don't remember most of it. The nurse said they didn't sexually assault me, but I don't remember how I could have gotten any of these bruises."

"I'm glad you don't remember either."

Stevie finally drifts off to sleep, not letting go of Robin's hand. She's too tired to fight it any longer.

When she wakes up, Robin is there with a clean set of clothes for her to change into. She's being discharged.

Of course, all she wants is to see Lindsey. He risked his life for her.

He's awake when she pokes her head into his room, and despite the exhaustion and pain on his face, he manages a smile.

"Hey, how are your?" He asks, taking her hand as she sits on the edge of his bed.

"I'm alright, considering. No serious damage, no sexual assault. I don't remember most of it, which is nice. I've answered all the questions and given my statement more times than I can count. I'm discharged."

"That's good. I'm so glad you're okay, Stevie. You don't know how worried I was," He whispers, looking down with tears in his eyes. She runs her hand through his hair.

"I love you so much, Lindsey."

"I love you too, more than you could even possibly imagine. I'm so sorry I fought with you about the song-"

"Shh," She says, squeezing his hand. "It's okay. I'm okay. Everything is fine. How do you feel?"

"Sore, but other than that okay. The doctor said I'm lucky. No major damage. I can go home in a few days."

"Will you come to the house?"

"Do you want me to?" He asks. She nods.

"Please. I need you close."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too," She smiles, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I'll see you in a few days."

He watches her walk down the hallway with Robin and sighs. She's okay.

Stevie sleeps with Robin, not willing to sleep on her own yet. She has nightmares so bad that her voice is hoarse by the morning from screaming. Robin tries, but she can't get her out of them.

When Lindsey is released from the hospital, he goes straight to Stevie's house. She curls up with him in her bed without a word, just holding him. He isn't willing to let her out of his sight. He doesn't sleep, just watching her. He's too paranoid.

She starts screaming, limbs thrashing wildly.

"Stevie," Lindsey says softly, wincing as he sits up.

"No!" She screams, hitting him. He holds her tightly against his chest and strokes her hair, pressing soft kisses to her temple.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, Stevie. I'm here. You're safe. You're okay. Shh, shh, I'm here," He whispers, pinning her arms at her sides. "You're okay. You're okay, love."

She screams again, writhing against him.

"No, please! Please!" She cries, kicking against the sheets.

"Stevie, it's okay. It's okay," He says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She's sobbing, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Don't, please," She cries, bringing her knees up to her chest, trying to curl in on herself. She's shaking.

"Stephanie, you're okay. Shh, you're alright. I'm here, honey. I'm here. I'm here," He says, rocking her lightly. Her eyes fly open, and she screams, clawing at his arms to try to get herself away. He lets go, hissing in pain, looking down at the bloody scratches on his forearms.

Stevie rocks herself, resting her forehead on her knees.

"Steph, hey, you're okay," He says softly, rubbing her back. She flinches and sobs, shaking her head.

"Please, please don't."

"Steph," He says softly, a little hurt. She looks up and lets out a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry, Linds. I'm so sorry."

"No, it's alright. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to get you out of it."

"Are you okay?" She asks, looking at the blood on his forearms. He nods. "Fuck. I'm so sorry, Linds. Come on," She says, grabbing his hand. He gets out of bed slowly and follows her to the bathroom. She sets to work cleaning the scratches and wrapping them in gauze.

"Hey," Lindsey says softly, wrapping his arm around her waist. She looks at him, chewing her bottom lip. "It's okay. You didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry I scared you."

She sniffles and holds his head to her stomach. He can feel her sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know. I know," He says softly, reaching up to wipe her tears from her cheeks. Lindsey guides her back to bed and she rests her head against his chest.

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