Mazafati Dates

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Occupying the most important place of Dates export in Iran, Mazafati dates have become the most dominant and popular dates among different Dates.

With a delicious and unique taste, Mazafati dates have become the most delicious Iranian dates. And currently, it sells in domestic and national markets in different brands.

These types of dates are products of south Iran and Kerman province. Since Bam is the most crucial producer of Mazafati Dates, many foreign buyers travel to this city located in Kerman province to buy it.

In addition to Bam, these dates are harvested in other cities, but their quality is not suitable for export.

The quality of this product is not comparable with other types of wet and dry dates; hence fore; these types of dates mostly use for export.

The more the dates are moist, the more they are darker, and, at best, they are very close to black.

The sellers of Mazafati dates in Iran must be fully acquainted with the conditions of sale and storage of these dates.

Since these dates have a high amount of moisture, they have not considered as dried fruits and suitable conditions for reserving them are between -5 to 5 centigrade.

Having a dedicated refrigerator for storing dates, and standard packaging is one of the most important features for buyers.

Due to high moisture, these dates are categorized as wet dates and known as Rotab.

Late September and early October are the time to harvest these dates.

In recent years, food production from dates has increased, and because of their taste and excellent properties, everyone uses dates to provide better flavor and tasty foods.

These dates can be used as a substitute for food during the day. In addition, many athletes use foods such as dates to strengthen and improve their bodies. Students can also use Mazafati dates as a proper meal.

Additionally, they have many uses in bakeries and confectioneries, and they are useable in making cakes, ice cream, chocolate, cookies and other delicious meals.

Also, they offer many medical benefits, and the essential medical properties of the product mentioned above are as follows:

They are effective in decreasing Cholesterol and treating constipation and diarrhea. Moreover, it provides the needed C Vitamin of the body and treating insomnia and anemia.

Overall, Mazafati dates must be known as the best and most popular dates, whether among Iranian dates or the world dates, which has delicious and delectable taste in addition to many benefits and nutritional value.

It just needs you to try Mazafati dates to look for unique, tasty dates in Iran. Give it a chance; you won't regret it.

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