Last Chapter!

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Me and Oppa are in the car and on our way to pick up our parents. "Chaerin, When do we tell them?", Oppa asked, "Tell them? Tell the what?" I said I was confused, "Well yeah! We need to tell them that...We're dating" Oppa said, "Oh yea! Why don't we tell them now? on the airport?", I suggested, "Sure!" Oppa said excitedly. We reached the airport and we waited at the pick up place, "Chaerin! Hyungsik!", someone called, we turned to see it was our parents. We ran up to them and I hugged my parents and so did Oppa (But his parents). We settled in and I carried the luggage to the car deck, Oppa helped me, "So...we missed you so much!", My mom said, "Me too", I smiled. 

We ate at a restaurant and headed home, everyone was at my house. I made juice for everyone and we talked for a while, Oppa gave me a tap on my shoulder I looked over and said "Yea? What happened?", Oppa rolled his eyes and said "when do we tell them?", he said. "Now." I said, "Ahem, Parents, We need to tell you something...", he started, The parents' attention turned to us, "Go ahead", They said, "We-We're Dating", Oppa and me said. The parents looked shocked and then aunt Yuri said "Yes! I knew it! Didn't I tell ya'll this would happen", Everyone nodded and my dad asked "How long?", I hesitated and said "Few weeks...", Uncle Suho stood up and hugged me and oppa, It was awkward but why not. Everyone was there for a while when...they decided to stay over for the night. We all changed and my mom asked "Chaerin, Is it fine if Hyungsik can sleep in your room?", I froze and said "M-my room-  Ok...he can sleep on the bed and I'll put bedding for me on the floor", My mom nodded. I went to my room and I was startled, Oppa had a face pack on and I burst out laughing, "What!? Do you think my skin stays like this on it's own/", He said, "No no, It's just that I've never seen a male use face packs", I said still laughing. I set up my bed on the floor and took out my phone, I started reading fanfics when Oppa asked "What are you reading?", I flinched and said "Nothing just fanfics", Oppa gave me a look with big eyes and said "Please, let's cuddle. You can read later", I gave in to his look and said "Aww Ok". Oppa lay down beside me and hugged me, and we fell asleep. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and saw oppa beside me and his hand around my waist, I slowly removed his hand and went to the living room where I saw all the parents sitting. Shit I forgot about them- 

I quickly rushed back to my room, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I went back and saw them sitting, still. I greeted them and went to the kitchen, I started making juice when I felt someone hug me from the back...It was oppa! "Good morning", he said in a soft voice, "Good morning", I said turning back. Me and oppa made the juice and served it to the elders, "So...Chaerin, We couldn't come for your birthday so we bought you something. It's from all of us", My mom said as I was confused. What could it be? "Ok...", I said still confused, my mom took out a carton box and handed it to me, "Be careful", aunt Yuri added, I opened the box and saw a kitten "Mom, dad how did you know-", I asked as I picked up the kitten, "Hyungsik told us", My dad replied. I went and gave oppa a tight hug. Here's a pic of the cat:


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I decided to name the cat 'Theo' because it suited him and everyone liked the name. Hyungsik Oppa's parents and my parents went to Oppa's house and me, Oppa and Theo were left in the house, Oppa went over and got Oliver too. Theo and Oliver payed for a while then they both fell asleep as me and oppa petted them. When the cats slept me and Oppa went out for a walk, "I wanna treat you for everything you've done for me. How about ice cream?", I said as I pointed at an ice cream place, "Aw ok", He said and we walked inside. We went through the flavors when one of them caught my eye 'Blue velvet' It seemed nice so I decide to get that, "What flavor are you getting?", I asked as oppa thought for a while then eventually he ended up getting blue velvet too. I paid for the ice creams and we walked out with them. We talked and had our ice creams as we walked, we went to the library and we were listening to songs, "Shush! Wear earphones is you want to listen to music", Said the librarian, I rolled my eyes and took out my earphones, I plugged them into my phone and gave oppa one of them and took the other earphone for me. We vibed to songs for a while and then we headed back home. Me and oppa had lunch at home, I made some noodles and we baked some cookies which were good.

We had a lot of fun today and I asked oppa, "oppa, What cat food do u buy for Oliver? I don't know which one to buy for Theo", Oppa's attention moved to me and he said "Oh right! I'll show you. How about we go now? To the market, because Theo needs to have lunch too", I liked the idea and I said "Sure". We walked over to the market and went to the cat food aisle, Oppa picked up some packets and showed them to me saying "This one is good for veg and this one is good for non-veg I take both for Oliver", I nodded and took the same brand and put it in my basket. We went to the milk aisle and oppa said "I usually take this milk for Oliver", he pointed to a packet, picking it up and putting it in my basket. He took me to the cat shampoo area and showed me quite a few brands and I took the berry-scent for Theo. I paid for everything and we went home where we saw our friends sitting and playing with the cats. "How did you get in?!" I asked, Minha showed me keys and said "I have spare keys...", I nodded and went to the others, "Nuna, Who's the other cat?", Taehyung asked, I put my arm around his shoulder and said "That's Theo and...He's mine! My parents got him for my birthday as I wanted a cat and I get really lonely if there's no one around", Taehyung picked Theo up and played with him. We were with everyone for a while and then they left, we played UNO, we talked and we played with the cats. I was alone in the house with Theo, my parents were at Oppa's house and all the other went. I realized it was 9:00 p.m. so I washed up and I wasn't in the mood to have dinner so I gave Theo his cat food and went to my room, I started reading fanfics and I eventually slept. After sometime I felt Theo climb up the bed and sleep beside me, he was too cute, I put some of my blanket on him and put a pillow under his head. 

I woke up the next day at 6:00 a.m. and the first thing I see is Hyungsik Oppa sitting on my study table. I almost shouted when he said "Don't worry, your parents told me to wait here for you", I got up and nodded, "Can you wait for 15 minutes I'll get ready", I asked, "Only 15 minutes?! Don't girls take 2 or 3 hours?", He said laughing, I was really sleepy and didn't have the energy to reply but I did "Well I'm not like other girls, I just take a shower and put on my clothes, I don't wear make up and all. I HATE make up", Oppa looked shocked. Anyways, I got ready and me and Oppa went out for a light breakfast, I gave Theo his cat food before we left. Me and oppa decided to get starbucks coffee and once we reached the place we saw Seokjin Oppa and Namjoon Oppa, we greeted them and went to order our coffee. We got our Coffees and joined the others, "Such a beautiful relationship", Seokjin Oppa said, "Yes. Let's have a fight and then be in a relationship after we apologise", Namjoon oppa whispered, "What?", Seokjin oppa asked, "Nothing", Namjoon shook his head. Me and Hyungsik Oppa left after having coffee and we celebrated our weeks of being in a relationship.

Ya'll the book ends here. I'm thinking of writing another story but later. Hoped you liked my first book, I know I have made punctuation mistakes but I think that'll be solved in my next book. 

I love ya'll 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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