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Hi my name is Sophie I just moved to a new neighbourhood but I noticed something different there was a creepy shak it had vines growing over it and was so dark I never wanted to go there and I also heard rumors that a boy named Chris went to the shak and never returned!! I was even more scared now! I just stood silent listening but in my mins I was so scared I nearly peeded my pants😅😅
I just was too scared but I went home and just watched my iPhone for almost 3 hours😅😅I got scored but I carried on and went outside to get some fresh air I loved paying outside but because I always see the shak I hate going outside but I have too my mom makes me

Even though I have some friend most of them were girls of course what would you expect? We loved going to adventure the most brave one is Clara she literally went to an angry dog and the dog bit her and ran but Clara did not cry I had some brave friends and I knew it clearly and then one day she said of going to the shak It was my nightmare!  I never thought it would come true! But it did! So we went to the shak and went inside then we heard a soft voice saying ' Why have you come here?

We were so scared except for Clara she said what scary cats you are! If you like adventures then you must be brave like me! She was kinda true if we want adventures to go on then we have to be brave! But I was still sacred because I thought the rumors were true!!

I mean if the rumors were true then what would we do?!! We were so scared we wanted to cry and Vivi did she was the most scared one after all but I don't blame her it was so scary after all!!

But we walked and walked then the strange voice again said why have you come here answer me!! Now! And then Clara stood out and said we came to explore PLS let us explore voice
Then it said this is your doom I am sorry! Then the strange voices voice changed and said muahahahahaha
You should not have came here at the first place!

You will die!!

Then monsters and werewolves appeared out of nowhere!

We were surrounded we were silent for a moment! Then Clara shouted run now!!! Then we said what about you? I will be fine just run! So we ran and ran to find another room then we saw more monsters ahhhhhhhh we heard Clara we were so worried I knew it was a bad idea I screamed but then I woke up weing it was all a dream whooo I said I will never ever go to the shak

Hello this is al I am sorry it is short I don't have enough time! Bye love you all!

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