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"Can you keep still, Catherine? Honestly...your poor Mummy said that you were quite used to being changed and I have to get you clean and dry...or you will surely get an infection, or a rash, dear." Mrs Scott moaned, holding me down with her left hand as she wielded a wet wipe in her right, pressing into all my intimate areas. I was not happy at all, partly because I did not want to miss Catherine, or rather myself, but mostly because having my pull-up changed was not a pleasant experience. She had taken me into the small, embarrassing changing room, and removed my blazer, hat and kilt, before actually lifting me up onto the stupid table. I had not been allowed to do anything for myself, and then she just pulled down the padded pants and started attacking me with a pack of wipes.

"It was hardly damp..." I whined, in Catherine's voice. It was a nightmare. Less than half an hour before, I had been me, living my best life, but there I was, a little girl, having her pull-up changed by a monster, who seemed to think that I was about five. Kelly would never have let something like that happen, because she would have kicked up such a fuss and done things for herself, but that side of myself, the confident, independent side, did not seem to have come with me into my new body, and I felt pathetic, and helpless, and defeated.

"The whole idea of a pull-up is that they absorb wasn't too bad, but you know your bladder leaks, and you know you sometimes don't notice." She said, firmly, which my head told me was true. "I understand that you don't like it very much...but it has to be done. Wearing one of these is better than having an accident in front of, isn't it?"

"Suppose," I almost whimpered, getting myself into a real state. Inside my head, I was totally desperate to talk to Catherine, and work out what we were going to do, but outside of it, I was an unhappy little girl enduring a nappy change with this complete stranger. Not that Mrs Scott was a stranger to Catherine, but she was changing me, not her. And then the bitch smacked my thigh, really hard, to make it all so much worse.

"Manners, Catherine." She barked as I squeaked in pain and surprise. It was too much, and I wanted it to stop. I wanted it all to be over, so badly.

"Sorry...Mrs Scott," I mumbled, feeling big fat tears welling up in my eyes. It was the only thing I could think of to say in the circumstances, the only thing that might work.

"Better." She said, before producing a clean pull-up from the bag and easing it over my shoes and up my legs. "If you were my daughter and you behaved like this, I would let you have your way and wait for the inevitable accident...but your Mummy is trying to protect you, and I am just trying to help her do that."

"Sorry, Mrs Scott." I said as she helped me down off of the stupid table, and held out my kilt for me to step into. Then she held up my blazer for me, and buttoned it up, before plonking the hat onto my head and dragging the chinstrap into place. And finally, still sniffling a bit, one bad dream was over, and I was allowed out to face the other one. But not before being forced to eat a tuna sandwich, some carrot sticks, some grapes and an apple. Only then did the teachers back off and give us a bit of peace. However, I could not see myself anywhere. There were lots of Redstone students around, but there was just no sign of me, Gemma or Kylie. So, recovering from my ordeal with the pull-up, I plucked up the courage to improvise. I think I realised that it was now or never. No matter what, I had to take my last chance.

"Can I visit the gift shop, Miss Walker...Mummy gave me some money to spend?" I said, as she walked past, like a prison sentry. It was only about thirty yards away. I did not see how she could reasonably refuse such an angelic request.

"Oh, yes...I suppose you can...but you have fifteen minutes...we still have a lot to see and the coach leaves at three." She said, but we were all already on the move. My idea seemed to be popular, but that did not bother me. Because I had just learned that we had just over an hour left at the museum, which represented my only chance to get the real Catherine and me back to the stone, to see if we could swap ourselves back. After that, if we were forced to get on our respective coaches and go back to our schools, it was going to get really complicated, if the two of us being at the stone again was the answer. I could not let that happen.

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