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8 Years Ago, Tokyo Japan

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8 Years Ago, Tokyo Japan. One evening in an elementary school.

As you backed up from the cruel boys, your back hit a wall. Gasping as the air became stuck in your throat, not knowing what to do, your eyes swelled with tears. You tried to fight the older boys prying hands from your puffs, but they were older and stronger and you couldn't do anything.

"No way she's actually crying!" One boy said.

"You're right and she's even uglier now." Said another, jeering the ring leader on.

"Maybe if we cut off all this hair you won't be as ugly. Think of it as a fresh new start!"

Crying as loud as you could you started to panic, the more you did the more it felt like air stopped trying to reach your lungs. You struggled the best you could while your hair was gripped tightly in the boys, annoying, strong hands. You couldn't believe what was about to take place in front your eyes.

"Stop being such a baby, we're just helping?"

Suddenly, you felt the rough hand being released from your hair you looked up to see a different boy, that wasn't there a second ago. He was looking directly at you with a blank stare.

Your eyes grew wider and, you turned your head to the boy on the ground who was holding his swollen cheek. You couldn't process what just happened in that measly 5 seconds. The boy, that basically just appeared out of thin air, dragged the pink lollipop he was sucking out of his mouth.


Just as Mikey was leaving school late, he heard a loud wail coming from an alley in the school. Why was anyone still there at this time? Thinking fast he started to run to the back of the rundown school.

As he finally rounded the corner of the building he saw a girl on the ground with a boy about to cut her hair with scissors. One thing he hated more than anything was bullying.

Jumping through the air he side-kicked one of boy's head, knocking him to dirt ground. He didn't care about the large group of boys surrounding him, he looked only at the girl crumpled on the floor.

"So what is exactly going on here?"

"So what is exactly going on here?"

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