Chapter Two: A heavy heart

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With that, I started.

My throat had gone dry, my brain fuzzy. It wasn't because of Gally's drink, it was because of the words buzzing around in my mind like a swarm of angry bees.

I inhaled slowly, opening my mouth to speak with a raspy voice, "I'm scared."

My heart pounded heavily, I wanted to tell Newt what I feared yet I couldn't put it into words, my mouth was void of words; my being void of noise.

He extended a hand, gently grasping one of mine. The warmth radiating from his palms would've been enough comfort if it wasn't for the heavy weight on my shoulders.

"I'm scared of loosing everyone. Hell, I'm scared that you'll have an accident again but I won't be there to help you."

He squeezed my hand, encouraging me to continue.

"I'm terrified of loosing anyone here, what if Minho gets stung, what if Alby gets stung! God, Newt what if Zart gets stung." I huffed, though Alby nor Zart were runners, I still worried for them. "Even Gally, sure we have our arguments but he never fails to tear the greenies away from me when they try something."

Newt put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his embrace. "Y/n. You saved me, you saved us all. We lost hope in finding a way out but you brought that hope back every time. We'll find a way outa this buggin' maze no matter what okay? And we'll do everythin' we can to survive, everythin' we can to protect you."

I leaned into the warmth of his torso, soaking in his words. My breath had slowed by now, the sound of his heart beat providing me with comfort. "You promise?"

"I promise."

As we sat there, staring at the stars side by side, the weight from my shoulders was lifted. The sound of the other gladers enjoying their night was music to my ears; they were alive, all of them.

Zart approached, staring at Newt and myself with utter confusion. "So- You two huh?"

I stared at him with an amused grin, "He wishes, but no. I drank too much of Gally's mix."

The boy chuckled, now sitting on my left. "We'll Miss Y/n. You're now restricted from drinking more of that horrid stuff."

With a firm nod he took it as a 'yes sir!' to which I ruffled his hair, of course still leaning into Newts embrace. Zart was called by Gally so they could tussle in the small circle arena, I chucked him a thumbs up and he went to wrestle the boy.

Newts gaze was still fixed on the stars, the glow from the bonfire framing his soft features. His chocolate brown eyes danced across the navy hue, taking in every inch of the landscape, "I'm scared too yknow'."

"I'm scared of loosing you, every day you go out into that buggin' maze I'm scared you won't return." He elaborated, this time, I was the one to give his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Y/n, you've been here since day one. Been here to support me, help me, yknow' all that. I'll follow you anywhere you go, I always will."

This time, I pulled him into my embrace. My arms wrapped around his torso with a tight grip, "Newt, I'm never leaving. I'll do everything I can to come and see your buggin' face again.", I mocked his accent when I had said 'buggin'.

He nestled his forehead into the crook of my neck, "Good that."


As the night grew old and the fire died down, the glade had gotten much cooler. By this time, Newt and I sat in a small circle with Zart, Alby and Minho having a conversation about everything and nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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