my new friend?

13 1 16

when i walk home i see a new girl in the house next to mine  , after every thing i hear yelling from the house next to mine

what is going on over there? i ask my self

then i heard a yes! come from the other house 

then i heard a can you keep it down being yelled

but then i heard a voice say you have your first day off school in the morning so it got dark and i did not hear eny thing .. 

the next moring 

as  i got ready i heard something  to the wails to the other house , when i got ready i walked my house to see the new girl in town , she had brown hair her eyes looked to be baby blue , and she had on a red and white t-shirt ( tommyinnit shirt ) she had a gray-  ish wolf hoodie on how i can tell is becuz i saw the tail and ears , but it was tied to her hips , she had in air pads , but i din't know what  she was watching? or what song it was , but she start to walk to the school , i want to 

tommy : so goes to the same school? wait so it gonna be  her first day! new girl!
when they got in class the teach called up liz 

teach : new kid pls come up and tell the class who you are.. 

as she walked down the seats of all the teens many looked at her 

liz : umm hi my names liz (real last name im not  useing  my real last name )  

liz : and im 16...  , i real like to draw cats flowers and i like to play  games and thats all 

teach : all right liz pls sit next to tom 

teach : tom pls rise your hand 

as i rised my hand she started to walk to where the chair next to me 

i put down my hand to see the new girl up  close 

tommy : hey are you new to the uk?  

liz : oh y-yea im new to the uk ...

tommy : oh where are you from? 

liz : the us...

tommy : why did you move from the us? 
liz : my mom and dad ..

tommy : oh 

liz : yea 

she looked down at a book with drawings  i looked down to see a drawing of a minecraft skin ..  and there was a name beside it it said " lizender24" on the other page looked to be a mushroom drawing 

tommy : your a good drawer.. 

she looked up from the book 

liz : thanks.. 

tommy : your welcome ..

after class  eating  time 

as i got my stuff to  eat i walked down to see liz bye her sleff drawing some thing so i seat down be side her ,

tommy : hey liz 

liz: oh hey tom 

tommy : you can call me  tommy..

liz : cool .. 

she want back to drawing 

i watched her draw a  tnt block from minecraft , but then she stoped at she looked at me 

liz : i can tell you like my drawings 

tommy : yea there good... 

she closed her book and putted in her bag 

tommy : do you like minecraft? 
liz : yea i play it a lot 

tommy : cool 

after we ate it was time to go home , when i got home i heard the door open in the room next door , but after a bit i heard this "wlecome back to the steam how is every body !"   i now that voice  , i  want over to my desk , opened twitch but i don't know her name on here but i remember "lizender24 " so looked up lizender24 " but it showed up as "liz_ender24 " i so tipped the first vid to see the steam , she was playing bed wars , so i watched for a few mins but i watched her play , so i send a dono " tommyinnit : hey your doing good for a girl " she looked at it and said thanks for the dono tommyinnit i hope you have a good day / night , she was really sweet and kind so i keeped watching , but   i started my steam but i had her steam on my other side , 

tommy : hello steam ! 

chat : hello! 

tommy : so chat we are gonna talk about someone i met at school to day and don't warry they are good things chat 

chat : tell us more 

tommy : OK chat so she likes to draw and she plays minecraft 

some one in chat : does she steam it? 

tommy :  yes she steams it 

 after he talked about liz for the hole steam 

 tommy : well just its time to raid some one ... lets raid liz_ender24 go to her and tell i send you bye chat! he ended steam and want back over to her steam to see hes chat in her chat 

"tommyinnit hosted steam " 

chat was felled with tommyinnit raid 

she sew it 

liz : tommyinnit thing you for the raid i hope you had a good steam <3

she was really sweet but she only had 10  subs so i gift 10 more 

"tommyinnit subed " 

you need more then 10 subs big l less then 3 

liz : aww thank you big man <3 

she smiled 

its been a few mins 

liz : well chat its time to end steam i have school but i will see you next time  chat bye 

liz : o7 

she ended steam and i looked on her acct to see she was a tw so i  looked on it and followed  her 

lizs pov : 

phone buzzes 

tommyinnit has followed you 


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